InternetCodepage Property
Returns or sets a Long that determines the Internet code page used by the item. The Internet code page defines the text encoding scheme used by the item. Read/write.
*expression * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.
The following table lists the values that are supported by the InternetCodePage property.
Name Character Set Code Page
Arabic (ISO) iso-8859-6 28596
Arabic (Windows) windows-1256 1256
Baltic (ISO) iso-8859-4 28594
Baltic (Windows) windows-1257 1257
Central European (ISO) iso-8859-2 28592
Central European (Windows) windows-1250 1250
Chinese Simplified (GB2312) gb2312 936
Chinese Simplified (HZ) hz-gb-2312 52936
Chinese Traditional (Big5) big5 950
Cyrillic (ISO) iso-8859-5 28595
Cyrillic (KOI8-R) koi8-r 20866
Cyrillic (KOI8-U) koi8-u 21866
Cyrillic (Windows) windows-1251 1251
Greek (ISO) iso-8859-7 28597
Greek (Windows) windows-1253 1253
Hebrew (ISO-Logical) iso-8859-8-i 38598
Hebrew (Windows) windows-1255 1255
Japanese (EUC) euc-jp 51932
Japanese (JIS) iso-2022-jp 50220
Japanese (JIS-Allow 1 byte Kana) csISO2022JP 50221
Japanese (Shift-JIS) iso-2022-jp 932
Korean ks_c_5601-1987 949
Korean (EUC) euc-kr 51949
Latin 3 (ISO) iso-8859-3 28593
Latin 9 (ISO) iso-8859-15 28605
Thai (Windows) windows-874 874
Turkish (ISO) iso-8859-9 28599
Turkish (Windows) windows-1254 1254
Unicode (UTF-7) utf-7 65000
Unicode (UTF-8) utf-8 65001
US-ASCII us-ascii 20127
Vietnamese (Windows) windows-1258 1258
Western European (ISO) iso-8859-1 28591
Western European (Windows) Windows-1252 1252
The following table lists the code pages Microsoft recommends that you use for the best compatiblity with older e-mail systems.
Name Character Set Code Page
Arabic (Windows) windows-1256 1256
Baltic (ISO) iso-8859-4 28594
Central European (ISO) iso-8859-2 28592
Chinese Simplified (GB2312) gb2312 936
Chinese Traditional (Big5) big5 950
Cyrillic (KOI8-R) koi8-r 20866
Cyrillic (Windows) windows-1251 1251
Greek (ISO) iso-8859-7 28597
Hebrew (Windows) windows-1255 1255
Japanese (JIS) iso-2022-jp 50220
Korean ks_c_5601-1987 949
Thai (Windows) windows-874 874
Turkish (ISO) iso-8859-9 28599
Unicode (UTF-8) utf-8 65001
US-ASCII us-ascii 20127
Vietnamese (Windows) windows-1258 1258
Western European (ISO) iso-8859-1 28591
The following Microsoft Visual Basic/Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) example displays the sender name of the current e-mail item if its Internet code page value is 1256. This value corresponds to the Internet code page value for Arabic text.
Sub FindArabicUser()
'Tells if the sender of the current item used the Arabic codepage
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem
Const cstArabic As Long = 1256
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objMail = olApp.ActiveInspector.CurrentItem
If objMail.InternetCodePage = cstArabic Then
MsgBox objMail.SenderName & " uses an Arabic code page."
End If
Set objMail = Nothing
Set olApp = Nothing
End Sub
Applies to | AppointmentItem Object | MailItem Object | PostItem Object | TaskItem Object
See Also | ContactItem Object