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CreateUser Message

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Creates a user account in a Live Meeting conference center.


Component Type

XML Element






A caller must be a member of the Administrator role.

The CreateUser message returns the users password if a password is not specified or is blank. The password is returned as a string option if the password attribute is missing in the request and is automatically generated by the server.

The user ID that is assigned in the CreateUserRequest can be changed using the ModifyUserRequest operational message. Any recordings or meetings owned by this user are transferred to the new user ID on successful modification of the user.


CreateUser must not be called on a conference center hosted by Microsoft Online. For more information, see Using the Live Meeting API with Microsoft Online-Hosted Live Meeting Service.


This example shows how to create an organizer with application sharing privilege set to Desktop.

The following code shows the request sent to the conference center.

<PlaceWareConfCenter authUser="apiuser" authPassword="Pa$$w0rd">
  <CreateUserRequest userID="dhall" password="r!DDl3One">
      <ApplicationSharingOption name="applicationSharingPrivilege" value="Desktop"/>
      <StringOption name="email" value=""/>
      <StringOption name="lastName" value="Hall"/>
      <BooleanOption name="isOrganizer" value="True"/>

The following shows a reply returned from the conference center when the request is processed successfully.


Example 2: Creating a User Account with Custom Frames Enabled

This example shows how to create a user with custom frames enabled. You use custom frames to expose a Web page within a frame of the Live Meeting client, usually for the purpose of adding additional functionality. For example, you might want to add a custom frame to expose a Web page that has audio controls. In the following example, you specify one URL for the user when participating as a presenter and another URL when participating as an attendee. When you specify the URLs and the frame heights for the custom frames, you set the customFramesEnabled option to True.

The following code shows the request sent to a conference center.

<PlaceWareConfCenter authUser="apiuser" authPassword="Pa$$w0rd">
  <CreateUserRequest userID="chris" password="Pa$$w0rd">
      <ApplicationSharingOption name="applicationSharingPrivilege" value="Desktop"/>
      <StringOption name="email" value=""/>
      <StringOption name="lastName" value="Hay"/>
      <BooleanOption name="isOrganizer" value="True"/>
      <StringOption name="audienceCustomFrameURL" value=""/>
      <DecimalOption name="audienceCustomFrameHt" value="100"/>
      <StringOption name="presenterCustomFrameURL" value=""/>
      <DecimalOption name="presenterCustomFrameHt" value="100"/>
      <BooleanOption name="customFramesEnabled" value="True"/>

The following is a reply returned from the conference center when the request is processed successfully.


Example 3: Creating a User Account With Modalities Enabled

The following example enables all meeting modalities for an organizer user. Note that if a given modality is not set using the CreateUserRequest message, that modality is enabled or disabled according to the default value set by an Administrator for the Conference Center.

<PlaceWareConfCenter authUser=" apiuser " authPassword="Pa$$w0rd">
   <CreateUserRequest userID="jeff">
         <StringOption name="email" value=" " />
         <StringOption name="lastName" value="Hay" />
         <BooleanOption name="isOrganizer" value="True" />
         <BooleanOption name="ecrAnnotationsPrivilege" value="True" />
         <BooleanOption name="ecrChatPrivilege" value="True" />
         <BooleanOption name="ecrHandoutsPrivilege" value="True" />
         <BooleanOption name="ecrQAPrivilege" value="True" />
         <BooleanOption name="ecrSharednotesPrivilege" value="True" />
         <BooleanOption name="ecrTextpagePrivilege" value="True" />
         <BooleanOption name="ecrWhiteboardPrivilege" value="True" />

The following is a reply returned from the conference center when the request is processed successfully.


See Also


CreateUserRequest Element

CreateUserReply Element