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Preloading Slides

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

Live Meeting has a feature, available only through the Live Meeting service API, that allows conference center owners to preload one or more slide sets to their conference center for quick loading into a meeting at meeting creation time. Best practices say to use this feature with a standard slide that you want in a majority of meetings, such as a Welcome slide. You can have multiple slide decks preloaded — for example, a Welcome deck for internal-only meetings and a Welcome deck for external meetings.


To format the slide set so it can be preloaded to your conference center, do the following:

  1. Make sure you have both Microsoft PowerPoint and the Live Meeting Add-in for PowerPoint installed on your client computer. The PowerPoint Add-in is available from your conference center through the Download link in Live Meeting Manager (top-right corner of the My Home page).

  2. Create your slide sets using PowerPoint.

  3. Because you have the Add-in installed, depending on your version of the add-in and of PowerPoint, PowerPoint has a PlaceWare, Live Meeting, or Add-ins option on the PowerPoint menu bar. Select this option, click Export, and then select the format you want. Supported formats are PWP, LMP, and ESS.


To preload your slide sets into your conference center, work with your sales representative to fill out a no-charge sales order form (SOF); submit this SOF with your correctly formatted slide sets through the standard sales channel. The Microsoft Live Meeting Provisioning team preloads your slide sets to your conference center and e-mail you the preloadSlidePath and preloadSlideTitle information you need for use with the CreateMeeting API request.

API Usage

The preloaded slide set feature can be used only with the CreateMeetingRequest API element. It is not supported by either the ModifyMeetingRequest API element or the Live Meeting Manager. To load your preloaded slide set into a meeting, include the preloadSlidePath and preloadSlideTitle options as part of your CreateMeetingRequest, using the values sent to you in e-mail by the Provisioning team. The CreateMeeting XML code snippet looks something like the following:

<PlaceWareConfCenter authUser="apiuser" authPassword="Pa$$w0rd">
    <CreateMeetingRequest name="training"
                                    title="New Application Training" >
           <StringOption name="preloadSlidePath" value="welcome.pwp" />
           <StringOption name="preloadSlideTitle" value="Slide 1" />
           <TimeOption name="startTime" value="2007-07-05T18:00:00Z" />
           <StringOption name="timeZone" value="America/Los_Angeles" />

See Also


CreateMeetingRequest Element

CreateMeetingReply Element

Live Meeting Clients