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Building Active Directory Paths

Building Active Directory Paths

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

You can programmatically build Microsoft® Active Directory® paths by using CDO for Exchange Management (CDOEXM) Component Object Model (COM) classes. The following example shows how you can use each CDOEXM object to enumerate storage groups, public and mailbox stores in the storage groups, and the folder trees in which the stores appear.

Visual Basic

Private Sub EnumerateStore()

  Dim iExs As New CDOEXM.ExchangeServer
  Dim isg As New CDOEXM.StorageGroup
  Dim ipsDB As New CDOEXM.PublicStoreDB
  Dim imbxDB As New CDOEXM.MailboxStoreDB
  Dim ift As New CDOEXM.FolderTree

  Dim ds2 As IDataSource2
  Set ds2 = iExs

  Debug.Print Chr(13) + Chr(13) + Chr(13) + "================================="

  Dim server_nm As String
  server_nm = Environ("COMPUTERNAME") 'The computer name is the servername.

  ds2.Open server_nm
  Debug.Print "ExchangeVersion = " + iExs.ExchangeVersion

  Debug.Print "DirectoryServer = " + iExs.DirectoryServer

  Dim storegroup As Variant
  Dim pubstore As Variant
  Dim mbx As Variant

  For Each storegroup In iExs.StorageGroups
    Debug.Print "StorageGroup Distinguished Name = " + storegroup + Chr(13)
    isg.DataSource.Open storegroup

    For Each pubstore In isg.PublicStoreDBs

      Debug.Print "Public Store   = " + pubstore
      ipsDB.DataSource.Open pubstore
      Debug.Print "        Name   = " + ipsDB.Name + Chr(13)

      Debug.Print "FolderTree     = " + ipsDB.FolderTree
      ift.DataSource.Open ipsDB.FolderTree
      Debug.Print " RootFolderURL = " + ift.RootFolderURL
      Debug.Print "          Name = " + ift.Name + Chr(13)

    Next 'public store
    For Each mbx In isg.MailboxStoreDBs

      Debug.Print "Mailbox        = " + mbx
      imbxDB.DataSource.Open mbx
      Debug.Print "          Name = " + imbxDB.Name + Chr(13)

    Next 'mailbox
  Next 'storage group

  Set iExs = Nothing
  Set isg = Nothing
  Set ipsDB = Nothing
  Set imbxDB = Nothing
  Set ift = Nothing

End Sub

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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