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IWorkflowSession Interface

IWorkflowSession Interface

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release. Provides an intrinsic object passed to actions and condition scripts.





Type Library

Microsoft CDO Workflow Objects for Microsoft Exchange

DLL Implemented In


Member Summary

The following table lists the properties of the IWorkflowSession interface.

Name Description
ActiveConnection Contains the session object of the user that initiated the event. This property is read-only.
Domain Contains the server's domain name. This property is read-only.
ErrorDescription The details of an error to be reported back to the audit trail.
ErrorNumber Holds the error number to be reported back to the calling client and logged to the audit trail.
ItemAuthors The collection of users allowed to modify and delete an item. This property is read-only.
ItemReaders The collection of users allowed exclusive read access to an item. This property is read-only.
Properties Returns the ISessionProps Interface for the WorkflowSession object. This property is read-only.
ReceivedMessage Returns a pointer to the IWorkflowMessage interface for correlated messages that initiate state transitions. This property is read-only.
Sender Contains the SMTP address of the user that initiated the state transition. This property is read-only.
Server Contains the server name. This property is read-only.
StateFrom Contains the state of the process instance before a transition.
StateTo Contains the state of the process instance after a transition. This property is read-only.
TrackingTable Returns a pointer to the recordset object containing e-mail data related to the process instance that initiated the state transition. This property is read-only.

The following table lists the methods of the IWorkflowSession interface.

Name Description
AddAuditEntry Provides an Audit Trail method for script writers.
DeleteReceivedMessage Deletes the message correlated with the ProcessInstance item.
DeleteWorkflowItem Deletes the ProcessInstance item.
GetNewWorkflowMessage Returns a new WorkflowMessage object.
GetUserProperty Gets a directory attribute property of a Microsoft® Active Directory® object.
IsUserInRole The method checks if a user is in a folder role.


IWorkflowSession specifies the intrinsic object passed to your action and condition scripts that provide runtime communication between the workflow engine, your script, and the ProcessInstance item being processed.

See Also

Workflow Objects

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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