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SendWorkflowMessage Method

SendWorkflowMessage Method

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Provides a method to send messages that support response tracking, MAPI properties, and transactional e-mail.

Applies To

IWorkflowMessage Interface

Type Library

Microsoft CDO Workflow Objects for Microsoft Exchange

DLL Implemented In



[Visual Basic]Sub SendWorkflowMessage
    eSendFlags As CdoWfSendFlags

[C++]HRESULT SendWorkflowMessage (     CdoWfSendFlags eSendFlags );


  • eSendFlags
    A cdoWfSendFlags constant defining workflow engine tracking behavior for responses to a sent message. For more information, see CdoWfSendFlags Enum.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.


You can use both the Send and SendWorkflowMessage methods in workflow, but only SendWorkflowMessage supports response tracking, transactional e-mail, and MAPI properties.

SendWorkflowMessage sets the following in the Configuration object:

  • From = workflow event sink account address.
  • ReplyTo = workflow folder address, unless eSendFlags = cdoWfNoTracking (0). If eSendFlags = cdoWfNoTracking (0), ReplyTo = "" and can be modified by script.
  • cdoSendUsingMethod = cdoSendUsingExchange.

SendWorkflowMessage has the following restrictions:

  • SendWorkflowMessage can only be used with a folder that is mail-enabled. You will get a CDOWF_CANT_OBTAIN_FOLDERADDR error if you try to call it from a folder that is not mail-enabled.
  • SendWorkflowMessage requires that the Workflow Event Sink account have a valid mailbox and that the To field contain a valid address.
  • SendWorkflowMessage cdowfAdd|cdowfStrict cannot be used with an OnCreate event in a script action or condition. You will get a CDOWF_NO_PERM_URL error if you try this in an OnCreate event. SendWorkflowMessage cdowfNoTracking works in an OnCreate event.
  • You can use SendWorkflowMessage in a CompensatingAction, but SendWorkflowMessage behaves differently in a CompensatingAction. In the case of a CompensatingAction, SendWorkflowMessage will send the message immediately, and the message will not be part of a transaction.


The following example uses the WorkflowSession object to get a WorkflowMessage object and sends a message to the user that initiated the state transition with the response tracking turned off.

[Visual Basic]

Dim WfMsg Set WfMsg = WorkflowSession.GetNewWorkflowMessage() With WfMsg .To = WorkflowSession.Sender .Subject = "SendWorkflowMessage Test" .SendWorkflowMessage cdowfNoTracking End With

See Also

CdoWfSendFlags Enum

CDO Workflow for Exchange 2000 Server Error Codes

Event Types

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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