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ICustomActivity Interface

ICustomActivity Interface

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release. Supports using Component Object Model (COM) objects as action table conditions, actions, or compensating actions.





Type Library

Microsoft CDO Workflow Objects for Microsoft Exchange

DLL Implemented In


Member Summary

The following table lists the methods of the ICustomActivity interface.

Name Description
CompensatingAction The workflow engine calls this method when a process instance transition gets aborted and the action table specifies a custom COM object as the compensating action. The custom COM object must implement this method.
EvaluateCondition The workflow engine calls this method when the action table specifies a custom COM object as the condition on the matching row. The custom COM object must implement this method.
ExecuteAction The workflow engine calls this method when the matching row in the action table specifies a custom COM object as the action. The custom COM object must implement this method.


This interface needs to be implemented by any custom COM objects introduced by the workflow author. These methods correspond to the Condition, Action, and CompensatingAction fields of the action table. You specify which fields use COM objects on a per-row basis by using the Flags field on each row. Flags are set by a bitwise OR of the CdoWfTransitionFlags enumeration constants.

Only privileged Mode Property workflows are allowed to create COM objects.

See Also

Mode Property

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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