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Proxy and Routing Settings

Microsoft Office Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1

Proxy and Routing Settings

Message proxy and routing behaviors are configurable for Microsoft® Office Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1 through the following classes:

  • MSFT_SIPProxySetting defines the basic properties and behaviors of all message proxy services running on Live Communications Server, including third-party proxy applications installed on Standard Edition servers, in Enterprise Edition pools, or on Proxies or Access Proxies. The properties exposed by this class govern such behaviors as:

    • Data compression on incoming connections
    • Message size
    • Number of outgoing TLS connections
    • Internal routes to Access Proxies, and
    • Whether servers expect clients to send white-space (that is, empty) messages to indicate they are still alive (yes for internal clients; no for outside and federated clients).
  • MSFT_SIPRoutingSetting—defines the transport type used for routing messages. Currently, there are two choices: TCP and TLS. For TLS routing, certificate information must be supplied in the configuration.

  • MSFT_SIPRoutingTableData—defines the configuration for an entry in the SIP message routing table for the Live Communications Server. Instances of this class define URI patterns that, when matched by the URI in the "Request-URI" header of a SIP request message, route the message to the host specified in the class instance. The routing table consists of all instances of this class available on the Live Communications Server.

    If the Request-URI header of an incoming SIP message is matched by more than one instance of MSFT_SIPRoutingTableData, the more specific instance is chosen. For example, if there are two routing rules, "examp*.com" and "e*.com", the routing rule for "examp*.com" is chosen for the user "".

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