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The WWAN_MODEM_CONFIG_STATUS structure represents a modem's configuration (config) status.


typedef struct _WWAN_MODEM_CONFIG_STATUS {
  ULONG                    PreviousConfigID;
  ULONG                    CurrentConfigID;
  DWORD                    DefaultOrNot;


  • ConfigState
    The modem's config state. For a list of defined values, see WWAN_MODEM_CONFIG_STATE.

  • ConfigReason
    The reason why the modem's config state change was triggered. For a list of defined values, see WWAN_MODEM_CONFIG_REASON.

  • PreviousConfigID
    The previous config file's Config ID.

  • CurrentConfigID
    The current config file's Config ID.

  • DefaultOrNot
    Indicates if the default config file was selected, if available.


Modem config files are identified using a Config ID, defined as a UUID whose value is determined by the IHV vendor. The value of each Config ID is unique and can be generated statically or dynamically. A Config ID of zero (00000000-0000-0000-000000000000) is a special case, meaning the Config ID is not available.

The config file's Config ID is reported to the OS during the config state change. When ConfigState is Pending, PreviousConfigID points to the previously activated modem config file or zero if there was no previously activated config file (such as during the device's first boot). The CurrentConfigID must always be set to zero when ConfigState is Pending.

When ConfigState is Activated, PreviousConfigID will be the same as in the Pending state but CurrentConfigID will point to a newly activated config file. In a case where no activation is required, CurrentConfigID will point to the existing CurrentConfigID.

If, during the modem config selection process, no match is found for existing custom config files, then a default config file is selected if available. The MBB driver indicates this by setting DefaultOrNot to TRUE. If no default config file exists, CurrentConfigID must be set to zero and DefaultOrNot must be set to FALSE. DefaultOrNot is only valid when ConfigState is Activated.

If the modem config selection process is triggered by SIM removal or no SIM, CurrentConfigID can be set either to 0 or PreviousConfigID in the Activated state. If the modem is removing the currently activated configuration, then CurrentConfigID will be set to zero. Otherwise, it will be set to the value of the previously activated configuration.

If the same config file is selected as the currently activated one, the MBB driver is not required to send a notification to the upper layer.



Windows 10, version 1709


Wwan.h (include Wwan.h)

See also






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