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Simple License Generation

In this scenario, you can issue a Windows Media Rights Manager 10 license , testing silent and nonsilent license delivery.

The following .asp files are included in the Simple License Generation sample:

  • Package.asp. This page enables you to specify a Windows Media file to be packaged, and then select the type of license to issue (which scenario to test).

  • Simple.asp. This page checks whether the license is for silent or nonsilent delivery. If silent delivery is used, this page generates and delivers the license.

    The rights that are given for the simple license are hard-coded in this file, but you can modify the code to allow different rights.

  • Simple_NS.asp. If nonsilent delivery is used, this page delivers the license and confirms delivery.

To test this sample

  1. Open Package.asp, and then fill out the form by specifying the Windows Media file to be packaged, the output path and file name for the packaged Windows Media file, and select Simple for License acquisition URL. The Rights to allow option does not apply to this sample. Click Package.

    Note   Make sure the output folder allows Change permission to Everyone. Otherwise, an "Access is denied" message appears when you try to package files.

  2. To test license delivery, play the packaged Windows Media file. If you use Windows Media Player 7 or later, you can change the preferred license delivery method (silent or nonsilent) by selecting Options on the Tools menu, clicking the Privacy tab, and then selecting or clearing the Acquire licenses automatically for protected content option.

See Also