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The Verify method verifies the signature on the acknowledgement string.





[in] A String that contains the public key of the client computer.

Return Values

This method does not return a value.


Use the WMRMLicenseRevocationChallenge.GetMachinePublicKey method to retrieve the public key from the original license revocation challenge. The license revocation acknowledgement is signed with the client computer's private key. This method verifies the signature using the client computer's public key.

Example Code

' Declare variables.
Dim LRAcknowledgeObj     ' WMRMLicenseRevocationAcknowledger object
Dim LRAckString          ' License revocation acknowledgement string
Dim AckTransID           ' Transaction ID in the acknowledgement string
Dim ClientPubkey         ' Public key of the client computer

' Process the license revocation acknowledgement.
LRAckString = "<Replace this with the license license revocation acknowledgement string>"
Set LRAcknowledgeObj = Server.CreateObject("WMRMObjs.WMRMLicenseRevocationAcknowledger")
LRAcknowledgeObj.Acknowledgement = LRAckString
AckTransID = LRAcknowledgeObj.GetTransactionId()

' Verify the signature on the string. This method fails if the signature is not valid.
' ClientPubkey was already retrieved from the license revocation challenge.


Version: Windows Media Rights Manager 10 SDK

Reference: wmrmobjs 1.0 Type Library

Library: wmrmobjs.dll

Platform: Windows Server 2003

See Also