![]() |
Error Codes and Messages
The following tables list the error codes and messages that can be returned by the Windows Media Rights Manager SDK and by a player application based on the Windows Media Format SDK that works with packaged files. Understanding these errors can help you debug your Windows Media Rights Manager application.
The following table lists errors returned by the Windows Media Rights Manager SDK.
Return code | Description | Hexadecimal value |
DRM_E_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND | The requested attribute cannot be found. | 0xC0042906L |
DRM_E_BINDTOPUBKEY_NOT_SET | The BindToPubKey property must be set before calling this method. | 0xC0042921L |
DRM_E_CANNOT_WRITEFILE_UNPROTECTED | Cannot call the WriteFile method on an unprotected input file. | 0xC004290DL |
DRM_E_CH_ATTR_MISSING | Missing content header attribute. | 0x80041107L |
DRM_E_CH_BAD_KEY | Invalid key. | 0x8004110EL |
DRM_E_CH_CHECKSUM_MISSING | Missing content header checksum. | 0x80041106L |
DRM_E_CH_CHECKSUM_NOTSET | Checksum not set. | 0x80041111L |
DRM_E_CH_HEADER_NOTSET | Header not set. | 0x80041112L |
DRM_E_CH_INVALID_HEADER | Invalid content header. | 0x80041108L |
DRM_E_CH_INVALID_PRIVATEKEY | Invalid private key. | 0x80041114L |
DRM_E_CH_INVALID_PUBLICKEY | Invalid public key. | 0x80041115L |
DRM_E_CH_KID_MISSING | Missing KID attribute in content header. | 0x80041104L |
DRM_E_CH_KID_NOTSET | KID not set. | 0x8004110FL |
DRM_E_CH_LAINFO_MISSING | Missing LAINFO attribute in content header. | 0x80041105L |
DRM_E_CH_LAINFO_NOTSET | LAINFO not set. | 0x80041110L |
DRM_E_CH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR | Memory allocation failure. | 0x80041102L |
DRM_E_CH_NOT_SIGNED | Header not signed. | 0x80041113L |
DRM_E_CH_PARAM_NOT_OPTIONAL | The parameter is not optional. | 0x80041101L |
DRM_E_CH_UNABLE_TO_SIGN | Unable to sign content header. | 0x80041109L |
DRM_E_CH_UNABLE_TO_VERIFY | Unable to verify signature of content header. | 0x8004110AL |
DRM_E_CH_UNKNOWN_ERROR | Unknown error. | 0x80041116L |
DRM_E_CH_UNSUPPORTED_HASH_ALGORITHM | Unsupported hash algorithm. | 0x8004110CL |
DRM_E_CH_UNSUPPORTED_SIGN_ALGORITHM | Unsupported signature algorithm. | 0x8004110DL |
DRM_E_CH_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION | Unsupported content header version. | 0x8004110BL |
DRM_E_CH_VERSION_MISSING | Missing content header version. | 0x80041103L |
DRM_E_COPYCOUNT_TOO_HIGH | The value for CopyCount is too high. | 0xC0042934L |
DRM_E_CORRUPT_CHALLENGE | The challenge string is corrupt. | 0xC0042907L |
DRM_E_DEVICE_REVOKED | The device has been revoked. | 0xC0042942L |
DRM_E_DRMV1_NO_SUPPORT | This method doesn't support Windows Media Rights Manager version1.0. | 0xC004291FL |
DRM_E_DRMXML_ATTR_NOT_FOUND | The parameter is not optional. | 0x8004100BL |
DRM_E_DRMXML_CURR_NO_VALUE | The parameter is not optional. | 0x80041008L |
DRM_E_DRMXML_CURR_NOT_SET | The parameter is not optional. | 0x80041007L |
DRM_E_DRMXML_INIT_FAILURE | Object initialization failure. | 0x80041004L |
DRM_E_DRMXML_INVALID_ATTR_INDEX | The parameter is not optional. | 0x80041009L |
DRM_E_DRMXML_INVALID_CHILD_INDEX | The parameter is not optional. | 0x8004100AL |
DRM_E_DRMXML_INVALID_XML | Invalid XML. | 0x80041003L |
DRM_E_DRMXML_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR | Memory allocation failure. | 0x80041002L |
DRM_E_DRMXML_PARAM_NOT_OPTIONAL | The parameter is not optional. | 0x80041001L |
DRM_E_DRMXML_RETRIEVAL_FAILURE | The parameter is not optional. | 0x80041006L |
DRM_E_DRMXML_TREE_EMPTY | The parameter is not optional. | 0x80041005L |
DRM_E_DRMXML_UNSUPPORTED_NODE | The parameter is not optional. | 0x8004100CL |
DRM_E_HEADER_NOT_SET | The Header property must be set before calling this method. | 0xC0042912L |
DRM_E_HEADER_TOO_Long | The content header cannot exceed 8 KB in length. | 0xC004290CL |
DRM_E_INPUT_ALREADY_PROTECTED | Cannot call the ProtectFile method on a protected input file. | 0xC004290EL |
DRM_E_INPUT_ASF_CORRUPT | The input file is corrupt. | 0xC0042919L |
DRM_E_INPUT_INCORRECT_PROTECTION | The protection method of this file is incorrect. | 0xC0042922L |
DRM_E_INPUT_NOT_ASF | The input must be a Windows Media File. | 0xC0042918L |
DRM_E_INPUT_NOT_PROTECTED | The input file must be protected. | 0xC004291AL |
DRM_E_INPUTFILE_NOT_SET | The InputFile property must be set before calling this method. | 0xC0042911L |
DRM_E_INVALID_DATE | The specified date is invalid. | 0xC004290AL |
DRM_E_INVALID_INDEX | Invalid index value. | 0xC0042909L |
DRM_E_INVALID_LICENSE_REVOCATION_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT | The license revocation acknowledgement is invalid. | 0xC0042923L |
DRM_E_INVALID_LICENSE_REVOCATION_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_SIGNATURE | The signature on the license revocation acknowledgement is invalid. | 0xC0042924L |
DRM_E_INVALID_LICENSE_REVOCATION_CHALLENGE | The license revocation challenge is invalid. | 0xC0042925L |
DRM_E_INVALID_LICENSE_REVOCATION_PRIVATE_KEY | The license revocation private key is invalid. | 0xC0042926L |
DRM_E_INVALID_LICENSE_STATE_DATA | The license state data is invalid. | 0xC0042927L |
DRM_E_INVALID_METERING_CERTIFICATE | The metering certificate is invalid. | 0xC0042930L |
DRM_E_INVALID_METERING_CHALLENGE | The metering challenge is invalid. | 0xC0042929L |
DRM_E_INVALID_METERING_PRIVATE_KEY | The private key of the metering aggregation service is invalid. | 0xC0042928L |
DRM_E_INVALID_RESTRICTION_LEVEL | The protection level setting is invalid. | 0xC0042931L |
DRM_E_INVALID_UPLINK_DATA | The uplink data is invalid. | 0xC0042933L |
DRM_E_INVALID_UPLINK_SECTION | The uplink data is invalid. | 0xC0042932L |
DRM_E_KEY_GENERATION_FAILURE | Key pair generation failed. | 0xC004291BL |
DRM_E_KEY_NOT_SET | The Key property must be set before calling this method. | 0xC0042913L |
DRM_E_KEYID_NOT_SET | The KeyID property must be set before calling this method. | 0xC0042910L |
DRM_E_LIC_BAD_KEY | Bad key. | 0x8004800CL |
DRM_E_LIC_CERTIFICATE_FAILURE | Certificate failure. | 0x80048009L |
DRM_E_LIC_CERTIFICATE_NOTSET | Certificate not set. | 0x8004800AL |
DRM_E_LIC_CLIENDID_DECODING_FAILURE | Client ID decoding failure. | 0x8004800FL |
DRM_E_LIC_CLIENT_EXCLUSION_NOTSET | The client exclusion information has not been set. | 0x80048017L |
DRM_E_LIC_CLIENT_MINCLIENTVERSION_UNSUPPORTED | The client does not support MinimumClientSDKSecurity. | 0x8004801AL |
DRM_E_LIC_CLIENT_NEEDS_INDIVIDUALIZATION | A security upgrade on the client is required before a license can be issued. | 0xC0048018L |
DRM_E_LIC_CLIENTID_NOTSET | Client ID not set. | 0x80048005L |
DRM_E_LIC_ENABLING_BITS_FAILURE | Enabling bits failure. | 0x8004800DL |
DRM_E_LIC_INTERNAL_ERROR | Internal error. | 0x80048004L |
DRM_E_LIC_INVALID_PARAMETER | Invalid parameter. | 0x80048014L |
DRM_E_LIC_INVALID_RIGHTS | Invalid rights. | 0x8004800BL |
DRM_E_LIC_KEY_AND_CERT_MISMATCH | Key and certificate mismatch. | 0x80048013L |
DRM_E_LIC_KEY_DECODE_FAILURE | Key decode failure. | 0x80048007L |
DRM_E_LIC_KEY_NOTSET | Key not set. | 0x80048012L |
DRM_E_LIC_KID_NOTSET | The Key ID has not been set. | 0x80048015L |
DRM_E_LIC_LICENSE_NOT_SIGNED | License not signed. | 0x80048006L |
DRM_E_LIC_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR | Memory allocation error. | 0x80048002L |
DRM_E_LIC_OBJECT_INIT_ERROR | Object initialization error. | 0x80048003L |
DRM_E_LIC_PARAM_NOT_OPTIONAL | Parameter not optional. | 0x80048001L |
DRM_E_LIC_RIGHTS_NOTSET | Rights not set. | 0x80048019L |
DRM_E_LIC_SECURITY_VERSION_NOTSET | The security version number has not been set. | 0x80048016L |
DRM_E_LIC_SET_ATTRIBUTE_FAILURE | Set attribute failure. | 0x80048010L |
DRM_E_LIC_SIGNATURE_FAILURE | License signature failure. | 0x80048008L |
DRM_E_LIC_UNAUTHORIZED_DRM_CLIENT | Unauthorized DRM component. | 0x8004800EL |
DRM_E_LIC_UNSUPPORTED_KEY_ENCODING_ALGORITHM | Unsupported key encoding algorithm. | 0x80048011L |
DRM_E_LICENSE_SERVER_INFO_MISSING | The license server registry information (private key and/or certificates and/or verification keys) is missing or inaccessible. | 0xC004291CL |
DRM_E_LICENSE_TOO_BIG | The license is too big. | 0xC0042935L |
DRM_E_ONSTARTPAGE_NOT_CALLED | The OnStartPage method is not called. | 0xC004291EL |
DRM_E_PROPERTY_NOT_SET | The property has not been set. | 0xC0042905L |
DRM_E_REQUIRED_PROPERTY_NOT_SET | One or more required properties have not been set. | 0xC0042908L |
DRM_E_RIGHTS_INTERNAL_ERROR | Parameter not optional. | 0x80041503L |
DRM_E_RIGHTS_INVALID_ACTION | Parameter not optional. | 0x80041506L |
DRM_E_RIGHTS_INVALID_CONDITION | Parameter not optional. | 0x80041505L |
DRM_E_RIGHTS_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR | Parameter not optional. | 0x80041502L |
DRM_E_RIGHTS_PARAM_NOT_OPTIONAL | Parameter not optional. | 0x80041501L |
DRM_E_RIGHTS_UNSUPPORTED_EVENT | Parameter not optional. | 0x80041504L |
DRM_E_SECURITY_COMPONENT_EXCLUDED | The security component is excluded. | 0xC004291DL |
DRM_E_SEED_NOT_SET | The Seed property must be set before calling this method. | 0xC004290FL |
DRM_E_SIGNCERTCN_NOT_SET | The SignCertCN property must be set before calling this method. | 0xC0042916L |
DRM_E_SIGNING_FAILED | The content could not be digitally signed. | 0xC004290BL |
DRM_E_SIGNSTORENAME_NOT_SET | The SignStoreName property must be set before calling this method. | 0xC0042915L |
DRM_E_UNKNOWN_FUNCTION | The input name is not supported by this method. | 0xC0042920L |
DRM_E_V1KID_NOT_SET | The V1KeyID property must be set before calling this method. | 0xC0042914L |
DRM_E_V1LICENSEURL_NOT_SET | The V1LicenseAcqURL property must be set before calling this method. | 0xC0042917L |
DRM_S_CH_NOERROR | The function succeeded. | 0x00041100L |
DRM_S_DRMXML_NOERROR | The function succeeded. | 0x00041000L |
DRM_S_LIC_NOERROR | The function succeeded. | 0x00048000L |
DRM_S_RIGHTS_NOERROR | The function succeeded. | 0x00041500L |
The following table lists errors returned by a player application.
Return code | Description | Hexadecimal value |
NS_E_DRM_ACQUIRING_LICENSE | You cannot begin a new license acquisition process until the current one has been completed. | 0xC00D272BL |
NS_E_DRM_ACTION_NOT_QUERIED | The application cannot perform this action. Contact product support for this application. | 0xC00D272AL |
NS_E_DRM_APPCERT_REVOKED | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D2752L |
NS_E_DRM_BACKUP_CORRUPT | One or more backed-up licenses are missing or corrupted. | 0xC00D2743L |
NS_E_DRM_BACKUP_EXISTS | Licenses are already backed up in this location. | 0xC00D2742L |
NS_E_DRM_BACKUPRESTORE_BUSY | You cannot begin a new backup process until the current process has been completed. | 0xC00D2744L |
NS_E_DRM_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL | The buffer is not large enough. | 0xC00D275CL |
NS_E_DRM_CACHED_CONTENT_ERROR | A license cannot be found for this digital media file. Use License Management to transfer a license for this file from the original computer, or acquire a new license. | 0xC00D274BL |
NS_E_DRM_DECRYPT_ERROR | The digital media file is corrupted. Contact the content provider to get a new file. | 0xC00D2723L |
NS_E_DRM_DRIVER_AUTH_FAILURE | Certified driver components are required to play this digital media file. Contact Windows Update to see whether updated drivers are available for your hardware. | 0xC00D274DL |
NS_E_DRM_DRIVER_DIGIOUT_FAILURE | Certain driver functionality is required to play this digital media file. Contact Windows Update to see whether updated drivers are available for your hardware. | 0xC00D2750L |
NS_E_DRM_ENCRYPT_ERROR | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D2722L |
NS_E_DRM_ENCRYPTING | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D272DL |
NS_E_DRM_ENUM_LICENSE_FAILED | License storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D271BL |
NS_E_DRM_ERROR_BAD_NET_RESP | The specified server cannot perform the requested operation. | 0xC00D275EL |
NS_E_DRM_GET_ATTRIBUTE_ERROR | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact product support for this application. | 0xC00D2745L |
NS_E_DRM_GET_CONTENTSTRING_ERROR | The digital media file is corrupted. Contact the content provider to get a new file. | 0xC00D273DL |
NS_E_DRM_GET_LICENSE_ERROR | License storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D2739L |
NS_E_DRM_GET_LICENSESTRING_ERROR | License storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D273CL |
NS_E_DRM_HARDWARE_INCONSISTENT | The licenses for your digital media files are corrupted. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D2754L |
NS_E_DRM_INDIVIDUALIZATION_FAILED | The security upgrade failed. Try again later. | 0xC00D2729L |
NS_E_DRM_INDIVIDUALIZATION_INCOMPLETE | A problem occurred during the security upgrade. Try again later. | 0xC00D274CL |
NS_E_DRM_INDIVIDUALIZE_ERROR | The security upgrade failed. Try again later. | 0xC00D2736L |
NS_E_DRM_INDIVIDUALIZING | You cannot begin a new security upgrade until the current one has been completed. | 0xC00D272CL |
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_APPDATA | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D2740L |
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_APPDATA_VERSION | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact product support for this application. | 0xC00D2741L |
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_APPLICATION | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact product support for this application. | 0xC00D2711L |
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_CONTENT | The digital media file is corrupted. Contact the content provider to get a new file. | 0xC00D2716L |
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_DATA | Invalid or corrupted data was encountered. | 0xC00D2761L |
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_LICENSE | The license is corrupted or invalid. Acquire a new license | 0xC00D2718L |
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_LICENSE_ACQUIRED | License acquisition did not work. Acquire a new license or contact the content provider for further assistance. | 0xC00D271FL |
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_LICENSE_REQUEST | The digital media file is corrupted. Contact the content provider to get a new file. | 0xC00D271CL |
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_MACHINE | Licenses cannot be copied from one computer to another. Use License Management to transfer licenses, or get a new license for the digital media file. | 0xC00D2719L |
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_PROPERTY | A required property was not set by the application. Contact product support for this application. | 0xC00D2749L |
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_SECURESTORE_PASSWORD | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D2751L |
NS_E_DRM_KEY_ERROR | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D2721L |
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_APP_NOTALLOWED | The license for this file requires an upgraded version of your player or a different player. | 0xC00D27DDL |
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_APPSECLOW | The license for this file requires a higher level of security than the player you are currently using can provide. Try using a different player or download a newer version of your current player. | 0xC00D27DAL |
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_CERT_EXPIRED | The license server's certificate has expired. Make sure your system clock is set correctly. Contact your content provider for further assistance. | 0xC00D27DFL |
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_CLOSE_ERROR | License storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D2738L |
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_CONTENT_REVOKED | The content owner for the license you just acquired is no longer supporting their content. Contact the content owner for a newer version of the content. | 0xC00D27E1L |
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_EVAL_FAILED | The license is corrupted or invalid. Acquire a new license or reinstall the application. | 0xC00D271AL |
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_EXPIRED | The license for this file has expired and is no longer valid. Contact your content provider for further assistance. | 0xC00D27D8L |
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_INVALID_XML | The license is corrupted. Acquire a new license. | 0xC00D2725L |
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOSAP | The license for this file requires a feature that is not supported in your current player or operating system. Try a newer version of your current player or contact your content provider for further assistance. | 0xC00D280AL |
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOSVP | The license for this file requires a feature that is not supported in your current player or operating system. Try a newer version of your current player or contact your content provider for further assistance. | 0xC00D280BL |
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOTACQUIRED | Unable to obtain a license. | 0xC00D2759L |
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOTENABLED | The license for this file is not valid yet, but will be at a future date. | 0xC00D27D9L |
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOTRUSTEDCODEC | The license for this file requires a higher level of security than the player you are currently using can provide. Try using a different player or download a newer version of your current player. | 0xC00D280DL |
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_NOWDM | The license for this file requires Windows Driver Model (WDM) audio drivers. Contact your sound card manufacturer for further assistance. | 0xC00D280CL |
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_OPEN_ERROR | License storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D2737L |
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_PREVENTS_STORING | You cannot save this file. | 0xC00D2724L |
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_SECLOW | The license for this file requires a higher level of security than the player you are currently using can provide. Try using a different player or download a newer version of your current player. | 0xC00D27E0L |
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_SERVER_INFO_MISSING | Could not read the necessary information from the system registry. | 0xC00D2840L |
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_STORE_ERROR | License storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D2712L |
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_STORE_SAVE_ERROR | License acquisition did not work. Acquire a new license or contact the content provider for further assistance. | 0xC00D2714L |
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_UNUSABLE | The license is invalid. Contact the content provider for further assistance. | 0xC00D2748L |
NS_E_DRM_MONITOR_ERROR | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Try again later. | 0xC00D273EL |
NS_E_DRM_NEED_UPGRADE | A new version of the Digital Rights Management component is required. Contact product support for this application to get the latest version. | 0xC00D274EL |
NS_E_DRM_NEED_UPGRADE_MSSAP | One or more of the Secure Audio Path components were not found or an entry point in those components was not found. | 0xC00D274EL |
NS_E_DRM_NEED_UPGRADE_PD | A new version of the Digital Rights Management component is required. Contact product support for this application to get the latest version. | 0xC00D283EL |
NS_E_DRM_NEEDS_ACTIVATION | Activation is required to perform the operation on this media file. | 0xC00D2729L |
NS_E_DRM_NEEDS_INDIVIDUALIZATION | A security upgrade is required to perform the operation on this digital media file. | 0xC00D2728L |
NS_E_DRM_NEEDS_UPGRADE_TEMPFILE | An updated version of your media player is required to play the selected content. | 0xC00D283DL |
NS_E_DRM_NO_RIGHTS | The requested operation cannot be performed on this file. | 0xC00D2720L |
NS_E_DRM_NOT_CONFIGURED | Not all of the necessary properties for DRM have been set. | 0xC00D2764L |
NS_E_DRM_PARAMETERS_MISMATCHED | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D272FL |
NS_E_DRM_QUERY_ERROR | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D273AL |
NS_E_DRM_REOPEN_CONTENT | Status message: Reopen the file. | 0xC00D274FL |
NS_E_DRM_REPORT_ERROR | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact product support for this application. | 0xC00D273BL |
NS_E_DRM_RESTORE_FRAUD | You cannot restore your license(s). | 0xC00D2753L |
NS_E_DRM_SDMI_NOMORECOPIES | You cannot make any more copies of this digital media file. | 0xC00D2756L |
NS_E_DRM_SDMI_TRIGGER | To transfer this digital media file, you must upgrade the application. | 0xC00D2755L |
NS_E_DRM_SECURE_STORE_ERROR | Secure storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D2713L |
NS_E_DRM_SECURE_STORE_NOT_FOUND | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component of this application. Try to acquire a license again. | 0xC00D274AL |
NS_E_DRM_SECURE_STORE_UNLOCK_ERROR | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D2715L |
NS_E_DRM_SECURITY_COMPONENT_SIGNATURE_INVALID | The Digital Rights Management security upgrade component could not be validated. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D2760L |
NS_E_DRM_SIGNATURE_FAILURE | Failed either to create or to verify the content header. | 0xC00D283FL |
NS_E_DRM_STORE_NEEDINDI | The license cannot be stored because it requires a security upgrade for the Digital Rights Management component. | 0xC00D27DBL |
NS_E_DRM_STORE_NOTALLOWED | Your computer does not meet the requirements for storing the license. | 0xC00D27DCL |
NS_E_DRM_STORE_NOTALLSTORED | Some of the licenses could not be stored. | 0xC00D275FL |
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_ACQUIRE_LICENSE | The license could not be acquired. Try again later. | 0xC00D271EL |
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CONTACT_SERVER | Unable to contact the server for the requested operation. | 0xC00D2762L |
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_AUTHENTICATION_OBJECT | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D2763L |
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_BACKUP_OBJECT | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D2735L |
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_DECRYPT_OBJECT | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D2733L |
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_ENCRYPT_OBJECT | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D2732L |
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_HEADER_OBJECT | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D2757L |
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_INDI_OBJECT | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D2731L |
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_KEYS_OBJECT | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D2758L |
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_LICENSE_OBJECT | A license cannot be created for this digital media file. Reinstall the application. | 0xC00D2730L |
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_PROPERTIES_OBJECT | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D2734L |
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_STATE_DATA_OBJECT | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D275BL |
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_INITIALIZE | A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact Microsoft product support. | 0xC00D271DL |
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_LICENSE | The license is corrupted. Acquire a new license. | 0xC00D2717L |
NS_E_DRM_UNABLE_TO_SET_PARAMETER | The application has made an invalid call to the Digital Rights Management component. Contact product support for this application. | 0xC00D273FL |
NS_E_DRM_UNSUPPORTED_PROPERTY | The requested property is not supported. | 0xC00D275DL |
NS_S_DRM_ACQUIRE_CANCELLED | Status message: License acquisition has been cancelled. | 0x000D2747L |
NS_S_DRM_INDIVIDUALIZED | Status message: The security upgrade has been completed. | 0x000D2727L |
NS_S_DRM_LICENSE_ACQUIRED | Status message: The license was acquired. | 0x000D2726L |
NS_S_DRM_MONITOR_CANCELLED | Status message: License monitoring has been cancelled. | 0x000D2746L |
NS_S_DRM_NEEDS_INDIVIDUALIZATION | A security upgrade is required to perform the operation on this media file. | 0x000D27DEL |
See Also