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Cobranding and Suppressing .NET Passport Elements

The concept of flexible-layout cobranding allows a participating site to wrap Microsoft® .NET Passport modules within its own user interface (UI) and make the .NET Passport pages look like the site's pages. As useful as this capability is, though, you must implement it carefully to avoid certain potential problems. For example, a participating site could include links to both the .NET Passport privacy page and the site's own privacy page. This inhibits .NET Passport's ability to provide a clear statement to users about how .NET Passport protects their personal information. Additionally, privacy groups regard the presentation of two separate privacy statement links as equivalent to having no privacy statement; they assume the two policies contain contradictory information.

To solve this problem, Microsoft .NET Passport contains, in its system, entries for .NET Passport elements that could be involved in this kind of problem. These entries provide a way to suppress five specific .NET Passport elements:

  • Member Services link
  • Terms of Use link
  • Privacy Statement link
  • Help link
  • Copyright statement

Each element has an assigned value that determines whether it is displayed (set to 0) or suppressed (set to 1). The following table presents each of these XML elements and the default values assigned by .NET Passport.

These default values allow display of all listed elements. If you want to suppress any of these elements, you must indicate this when you register your site on the .NET Services Manager. Also, the requirements described in the following table must be met.

Element to suppress Participating site requirements
DisableMemberServices If you suppress .NET Passport's Member Services link, your own "Member Services" must link to .NET Passport Member Services modules where appropriate.
DisableTermsOfUse If you suppress the link to .NET Passport's Terms of Use statement, you must either:
  • Modify your Terms of Use statement so that it dynamically includes a paragraph of .NET Passport Terms of Use text.
  • Link to the full .NET Passport Terms of Use as the only Terms of Use statement on the page.

Note  The paragraph of .NET Passport Terms of Use text is located at . The Partner.xml tag, <TermsOfUseText>, has a link to the JavaScript code that contains a variable with the Terms of Use paragraph, and <TermsOfUse> contains a URL to the full .NET Passport Terms of Use. You can document.write the variable provided by <TermsOfUseText> into an existing page in order to integrate both your site's and the .NET Passport Terms of Use statements on a common page.

DisablePrivacyPolicy If you suppress the link to .NET Passport's privacy statement, you must either:
  • Modify your privacy statement so that it dynamically includes a paragraph of .NET Passport privacy text.
  • Link to the full .NET Passport privacy statement as the only privacy statement on the page.

Note  The paragraph of .NET Passport privacy text is located at . The Partner.xml tag, <PrivacyText>, has a link to the JavaScript code that contains a variable with the privacy policy paragraph, and <PrivacyPolicy> contains a URL to the full .NET Passport privacy policy. You can document.write the variable provided by <PrivacyText> into an existing page in order to integrate both your site's and the .NET Passport privacy policy on a common page.

DisableHelpText If you suppress .NET Passport Help, you must have a link to "Help" within your cobranded area. Your Help must link to the relevant .NET Passport Pane Help topics by using the PP_PAGE parameter (which is identical to the Pane Help keyword for the page).
DisableCopyright Only Microsoft sites are allowed to disable the copyright statement. Microsoft sites that disable the copyright statement must have a Microsoft copyright statement within their cobranded area.

See Also

.NET Passport Cobranding Overview | Basic Cobranding Template | Privacy Policies and Cobranding