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Advanced Troubleshooting

Advanced Troubleshooting

Most of the problems that you may encounter on your Microsoft® .NET Passport site pages have been covered in detail in previous topics in this section. The advanced techniques covered here use the Error property and the verbose mode of the Passport Manager to diagnose a problem. The Microsoft® Windows NT® Event Monitor will also be discussed as a resource for advanced troubleshooting.

Using the Error Property of the Passport Manager

The Error property of the Passport Manager object identifies errors or problem conditions when the user reaches a .NET Passport-enabled Web page. It returns an integer value set by the .NET Passport domain authority during user-network communications. Reading the Error property determines whether a user's request contains a .NET Passport error on the query string or in the .NET Passport Ticket cookie.

If you know which area of your .NET Passport implementation code may be failing, place code that reads the Error property either before or after the code that you suspect. For syntax, error codes, and descriptions, see Manager.Error.

Using Passport Manager Verbose Mode

The Passport Manager object supports a verbose mode, which can be used for debugging and troubleshooting. When verbose mode is enabled, many of the internal .NET Passport events, methods, variables, and properties are written to a text log file. The log can then be viewed to retrace the path of success that the object has completed. Check this path of success against your code to help you in finding the part of the process that is not functioning completely.

You can enable verbose mode by running the Passport Manager Administration utility and selecting the Verbose Mode check box. View the Passport Manager verbose mode log to trace the methods and properties that are called and set during Passport Manager object operations.

  • Methods of a Passport Manager object log an "enter" event. The logged event includes the values that are passed to the method in the log. When the internal method finishes, an "exit" event is logged and includes the results of the method call in the log as well.
  • Property calls of a Passport Manager object log the event with the property call result.

Troubleshooting Using the Microsoft Windows NT Event Monitor

The Windows NT event log should be reviewed for information, warnings, and errors that may have occurred during the operation of .NET Passport features.

To view the Windows NT event log on your Web server

  • Click the Start button, point to Programs, then to Administrative Tools, and then click Event Viewer.

    View the Application events on the server. Compare any .NET Passport-specific events with the event reference in Passport Manager Windows NT events for additional description information. This information will assist you in locating the specific section of this document relevant to your issue.

See Also

Passport Manager Windows NT Events