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IsAudioStreamEnabled Method

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

IsAudioStreamEnabled Method

This component is available for use in the Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating systems. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions.

The IsAudioStreamEnabled method retrieves a value indicating whether the specified audio stream is enabled in the current title.


[ bEnabled = ] MSWebDVD.IsAudioStreamEnabled(iStream)



Specifies the audio stream as an Integer value from 0 through 7.

Return Values

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the specified audio stream is available for the current title. True means it is available.


Although a disc can contain up to eight independent audio streams, each stream is not necessarily available for each title. For example, a main movie title might have three audio streams for English, Spanish, and Japanese, but the "Coming Attractions" title might have only one audio stream in English. Always verify that a stream is available for a title before setting the CurrentAudioStream property.