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DVDUniqueID Property

Microsoft DirectShow 9.0

DVDUniqueID Property

This component is available for use in the Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating systems. It may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions.

The DVDUniqueID property retrieves a system-generated number that uniquely identifies the current disc.


[ iDiscID = ] MSWebDVD.DVDUniqueID

Return Values

Returns an integer value that uniquely identifies the current disc.


This property is read-only with no default value. The identifier (ID) number is not absolutely unique, but it is unique for all practical purposes. The ID applies to all replicated copies of a disc. In other words, all copies of a specific movie have the same ID. The ID is based on file sizes, dates, and other information, and not the BCA value.