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Procedura: utilizzo dei flussi asincroni (C++ REST SDK)

C++ REST SDK (nome in codice "Casablanca") fornisce funzionalità di flusso che consentono di usare più facilmente i socket TCP, i file su disco e la memoria. I flussi di C++ REST SDK sono simili a quelle forniti dalla libreria standard C++ con la differenza che le versioni di C++ REST SDK usano la modalità asincrona. La libreria restituisce pplx::task, e non direttamente il valore, per le operazioni I/O che possono potenzialmente bloccarla. In questa pagina vengono riportati due esempi. Nel primo viene illustrato come scrivere e leggere da un flusso usando contenitori STL e memoria grezza. Nel secondo esempio viene creata una richiesta HTTP GET e viene stampato parte del relativo flusso di risposta alla console.


In questo argomento vengono fornite informazioni per C++ REST SDK 1.0 (nome in codice "Casablanca").Se si sta usando una versione più recente dalla pagina Web di Codeplex Casablanca, usare la documentazione locale all'indirizzo

Un esempio più completo che illustra le istruzioni #include e using segue questi esempi.

Per usare i flussi con i contenitori STL e la memoria grezza

In questo esempio viene illustrato come leggere e scrivere da un flusso usando contenitori STL e memoria grezza.

// Shows how to read from and write to a stream with an STL container or raw pointer. 
void ReadWriteStream(istream inStream, ostream outStream)
    // Write a string to the stream.
    std::string strData("test string to write\n");
    container_buffer<std::string> outStringBuffer(std::move(strData));
    outStream.write(outStringBuffer, outStringBuffer.collection().size()).then([](size_t bytesWritten)
        // Perform actions here once the string has been written...

    // Read a line from the stream into a string.
    container_buffer<std::string> inStringBuffer;
    inStream.read_line(inStringBuffer).then([inStringBuffer](size_t bytesRead)
        const std::string &line = inStringBuffer.collection();

        // Perform actions here after reading line into a string...

    // Write data from a raw chunk of contiguous memory to the stream. 
    // The raw data must stay alive until write operation has finished. 
    // In this case we will place on the heap to avoid any issues. 
    const size_t rawDataSize = 8;
    unsigned char* rawData = new unsigned char[rawDataSize];
    memcpy(&rawData[0], "raw data", rawDataSize);
    rawptr_buffer<unsigned char> rawOutBuffer(rawData, rawDataSize, std::ios::in);
    outStream.write(rawOutBuffer, rawDataSize).then([rawData](size_t bytesWritten)
        delete []rawData;

        // Perform actions here once the string as been written...

Per accedere a un flusso di risposta HTTP

Di seguito viene illustrato come usare il metodo web::http::http_response::body per recuperare un oggetto concurrency::streams::istream da cui è possibile leggere i dati. Per semplicità, in questo esempio vengono stampati solo i primi caratteri della risposta alla console. Per una versione più semplice che consente di recuperare una risposta del server, ma non funziona con il flusso di risposta, vedere Procedura: connettersi ai server HTTP.

// Creates an HTTP request and prints part of its response stream.
pplx::task<void> HTTPStreamingAsync()
    http_client client(L"");

    return client.request(methods::GET).then([](http_response response)
        if(response.status_code() != status_codes::OK)
            // Handle error cases... 
            return pplx::task_from_result();

        // Perform actions here reading from the response stream... 
        // In this example, we print the first 15 characters of the response to the console.
        istream bodyStream = response.body();
        container_buffer<std::string> inStringBuffer;
        return, 15).then([inStringBuffer](size_t bytesRead)
            const std::string &text = inStringBuffer.collection();

            // For demonstration, convert the response text to a wide-character string.
            std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>, wchar_t> utf16conv;
            std::wostringstream ss;
            ss << utf16conv.from_bytes(text.c_str()) << std::endl;
            std::wcout << ss.str();

    /* Output:
    <!DOCTYPE html>

Esempio completo

Ecco un esempio completo.

#include <codecvt>
#include <containerstream.h>
#include <http_client.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <producerconsumerstream.h>
#include <rawptrstream.h>

using namespace concurrency;
using namespace concurrency::streams;
using namespace web::http;
using namespace web::http::client;

// Shows how to read from and write to a stream with an STL container or raw pointer. 
void ReadWriteStream(istream inStream, ostream outStream)
    // Write a string to the stream.
    std::string strData("test string to write\n");
    container_buffer<std::string> outStringBuffer(std::move(strData));
    outStream.write(outStringBuffer, outStringBuffer.collection().size()).then([](size_t bytesWritten)
        // Perform actions here once the string has been written...

    // Read a line from the stream into a string.
    container_buffer<std::string> inStringBuffer;
    inStream.read_line(inStringBuffer).then([inStringBuffer](size_t bytesRead)
        const std::string &line = inStringBuffer.collection();

        // Perform actions here after reading line into a string...

    // Write data from a raw chunk of contiguous memory to the stream. 
    // The raw data must stay alive until write operation has finished. 
    // In this case we will place on the heap to avoid any issues. 
    const size_t rawDataSize = 8;
    unsigned char* rawData = new unsigned char[rawDataSize];
    memcpy(&rawData[0], "raw data", rawDataSize);
    rawptr_buffer<unsigned char> rawOutBuffer(rawData, rawDataSize, std::ios::in);
    outStream.write(rawOutBuffer, rawDataSize).then([rawData](size_t bytesWritten)
        delete []rawData;

        // Perform actions here once the string as been written...

// Creates an HTTP request and prints part of its response stream.
pplx::task<void> HTTPStreamingAsync()
    http_client client(L"");

    return client.request(methods::GET).then([](http_response response)
        if(response.status_code() != status_codes::OK)
            // Handle error cases... 
            return pplx::task_from_result();

        // Perform actions here reading from the response stream... 
        // In this example, we print the first 15 characters of the response to the console.
        istream bodyStream = response.body();
        container_buffer<std::string> inStringBuffer;
        return, 15).then([inStringBuffer](size_t bytesRead)
            const std::string &text = inStringBuffer.collection();

            // For demonstration, convert the response text to a wide-character string.
            std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>, wchar_t> utf16conv;
            std::wostringstream ss;
            ss << utf16conv.from_bytes(text.c_str()) << std::endl;
            std::wcout << ss.str();

    /* Output:
    <!DOCTYPE html>

int wmain()
    // This example uses the task::wait method to ensure that async operations complete before the app exits.  
    // In most apps, you typically don�t wait for async operations to complete.

    streams::producer_consumer_buffer<uint8_t> buffer;
    //ReadWriteStream(buffer.create_istream(), buffer.create_ostream());


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Altre risorse

C++ REST SDK (nome in codice "Casablanca")