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Calculation Formulas and the CalcFormula Property

A FlowField is always associated with a calculation formula that determines how the FlowField is calculated. The following syntax is valid for the CalcFormula property.

<CalculationFormula> ::=  
    [-]Exist(<TableNo> [WHERE (<TableFilters>)]) |  
    Count(<TableNo> [WHERE (<TableFilters>)]) |  
    [-]Sum(<TableNo>.<FieldNo> [WHERE(<TableFilters>)])|  
    [-]Average(<TableNo>.<FieldNo> [WHERE (<TableFilters>)]) |  
    Min(<TableNo>.<FieldNo> [WHERE (<TableFilters>)]) |  
    Max(<TableNo>.<FieldNo> [WHERE (<TableFilters>)]) |  
    Lookup(<TableNo>.<FieldNo> [WHERE (<TableFilters>)])  
<TableFilters> ::=  
    [<TableFilter> {,<TableFilter>}]  
<TableFilter> ::=  
    <DstFieldNo>=CONST(<FieldConst>) |  
    <DstFieldNo>=FILTER(<Filter>) |  
    <DstFieldNo>=FIELD(<SrcFieldNo>) |  
    <DstFieldNo>=FIELD(UPPERLIMIT(<SrcFieldNo>)) |  
    <DstFieldNo>=FIELD(FILTER(<SrcFieldNo>)) |  

Parts of the formula are described in the following table.

Symbol Description
<TableNo> Specifies the table holding the information to be used in the FlowField.
<FieldNo> Specifies the column from which you want to compute values.
<TableFilters> A list of filters to be used in the computation of the FlowField.
<TableFilter> A table filter can be one of the following: a constant expression, a filter expression, a value from ordinary fields, or a FlowFilter field. A key for the other table must exist and include the fields used in the filters.
<DstFieldNo> Specifies the destination field number.
<SrcFieldNo> Specifies the source field number.
<Filter> A filter expression such as 10|20..30.

See Also

FlowFilter Overview
How to: Create, View, and Edit a Calculation Formula
Troubleshooting Long Running SQL Queries Involving FlowFields by Disabling SmartSQL