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How to: Create Electronic VAT and ICP Declarations

To create electronic VAT and ICP declarations, you must first set up the declaration using the Elec. Tax Declaration Setup window. Then you can submit them to the tax authorities.


If you have selected the Part of Fiscal Entity field in the Elec. Tax Declaration Setup window, then you can create an electronic declaration for only one company. If you want to combine the tax information for all subsidiaries of a holding company, you must create a VAT statement on paper for each subsidiary company and manually calculate the total amounts for the holding company. These total amounts of the holding company must be entered on the website of the tax authorities. You cannot combine tax information for ICP declarations. ICP declarations must always be submitted individually.

If there are no intra-community deliveries in the declaration period, then an electronic ICP declaration is created without XML elements for the deliveries. If you submit such a declaration, an error message will be displayed.

To create an electronic VAT or ICP declaration

  1. In the Search box, enter Elec. Tax Declarations, and then choose the related link.

  2. In the Elec. Tax Declaration List window, on the Home tab, choose New.

  3. In the Elec. Tax Declaration Card window, on the General FastTab, fill in the required fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description

    Declaration Type

    Select the type of electronic declaration you want to create. The options include VAT Declaration and ICP Declaration.


    The number for the electronic declaration.

    Declaration Period

    The period for which you want to create the electronic declaration.

    For ICP declarations, the period is only for a quarter.

    Declaration Year

    The year for which you want to create the electronic declaration.

    Message ID

    Displays the ID of the response message received from the tax authority.

    You cannot change the contents of this field.

    You must refer to this ID when you contact the tax authorities for any questions regarding your electronic declaration.


    The status of the electronic declaration. For more information, see Status.

    You cannot change the contents of this field.

    Our Reference

    The unique identification for the electronic declaration that is to be included in the electronic declaration file. This field must be exactly 11 characters, must start with OB-, and can only contain numbers, letters, and dashes.

    You cannot change this field after you have created the electronic declaration.

    Date Created

    The date on which the electronic declaration was created.

    You cannot change the contents of this field.

    Date Submitted

    The date on which the electronic declaration is submitted to the tax authorities.

    You cannot change the contents of this field.

    Date Received

    The date on which a response message from the tax authorities' for an electronic declaration is processed.

    You cannot change the contents of this field.

  4. On the Home tab, in the Process group, choose Create Electronic Tax Declaration.

  5. In the Create Elec. VAT Declaration or the Create Elec. ICP Declaration window, on the Options FastTab, fill in the fields as described in the following table.

    Field Description

    Template Name

    The name of the template that will be used to create the electronic declaration.

    Statement Name

    The name of the statement that will be used to create the electronic declaration.

  6. Choose the OK button.

    The XML elements and the accompanying data of the electronic declaration are displayed on the Lines FastTab in the Elec. Tax Declaration Card window.

See Also


How to: Set Up VAT Categories


Part of Fiscal Entity


Electronic Tax Declarations
Electronic VAT and ICP Declarations