Condividi tramite

Entry Type Field, Item Journal Line Table

Specifies the type of transaction that will be posted from the item journal line. The value is registered in the Entry Type field of the resulting item ledger entry.

Option Description


Registers a purchase.

If you use any of the Undo functions, such as Undo Receipt, then a corrective item journal line of entry type Purchase is posted.


Registers a sale.

If you use the any of the Undo functions, such as Undo Shipment, then a corrective item journal line of entry type Sale is posted.

Positive Adjmt.

Registers a non-purchase increase of inventory.

Negative Adjmt.

Registers a non-sale decrease of inventory, such as shrinkage.


Registers a transfer between locations, dimensions, or serial/lot numbers.

Dimension and serial/lot number changes are made in the Item Reclass. Journal window.


Registers a production consumption entry.


Register a production output entry.

Assembly Consumption

Registers an assembly consumption entry.

Assembly output

Registers an assembly output entry.


For more information on how to work with fields and columns, see Work with Data. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

Parent Tables

Table Location
Document Line No. Field, Item Journal Line Table Inventory
Item Journal Line Table Inventory
Item Journal Line Table Inventory

See Also


Item Journal
Entry Type
Applies-from Entry
Applies-from Entry
Item Reclass. Journal

Other Resources

How to: Undo Quantity Postings on Posted Shipments
How to: Undo Assembly Posting
How to: Undo Service Consumption
How to: Assign Exact Cost Reversing
How to: Close Open Item Ledger Entries Resulting from Fixed Application in the Item Journal
Manage Costs
Design Details: Inventory Costing