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Entry Type Field, Detailed Vendor Ledg. Entry Table

Specifies the entry type of the detailed vendor ledger entry. The field is automatically filled when purchase documents are posted.

The following different entry types are created according to the nature of the purchase posting:

Option Description

Initial Entry

The entry is an invoice, payment, credit memo, finance charge memo, or reminder.


Two or more vendor ledger entries are applied to each other.

Unrealized Loss

An unrealized loss is posted to the general ledger.

Unrealized Gain

An unrealized gain is posted to the general ledger.

Realized Loss

An unrealized loss is posted to the general ledger.

Realized Gain

A realized gain is posted to the general ledger.

Payment Discount

A payment discount is granted.

Payment Discount (VAT Excl.)

An entry is posted to the Amount field when payment discount is granted.

Payment Discount (VAT Adjustment)

An entry is posted to the Purchase VAT Account field when a payment discount is granted.

Appln. Rounding

A rounding due to different currencies.

Correction of Remaining Amount

A correction due to different currencies.

Payment Tolerance

A payment tolerance is granted.

Payment Discount Tolerance

A payment discount tolerance is granted.

Payment Tolerance (VAT Excl.)

A payment tolerance is granted.

Payment Tolerance (VAT Adjustment)

A payment tolerance is granted.

Payment Discount Tolerance (VAT Excl.)

A payment discount tolerance is granted.

Payment Discount Tolerance (VAT Adjustment)

A payment discount tolerance is granted.


For more information on how to work with fields and columns, see Work with Data. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

Parent Tables

Table Location
Detailed Vendor Ledg. Entry Table Purchases and Payables
Detailed Vendor Ledg. Entry Table Purchases and Payables

See Also


Detailed Vendor Ledg. Entries

Other Resources

How to: View Applied Vendor Ledger Entries from the Ledger Entry Window