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Best Price

The best price is the lowest permissible price with the highest permissible line discount on this particular date. The program calculates this in order to retrieve the direct unit cost, the unit price or the line discount % for items. The calculation is made on sales or purchase documents, service lines, job journal lines, item journal lines or requisition lines in the following way:

  • The program checks the combination of bill-to customer and item and selects applicable prices/discounts using the following criteria:

    • Does this customer have a special agreement for prices or line discounts, or does the customer belong to a group that does?

    • Is the item or the item discount group on the line included in any of these agreements?

    • Is the order date (or the posting date for the invoice and credit memo) within the starting and ending date of the price/ line discount?

    • Is a currency code specified in the sales header, and is there a price or line discount covering this currency code?

    • Is a variant code specified on the line, and is there a price or line discount covering this variant?

    • Is a unit of measure code specified? If so, the program checks for prices/discounts with the same unit of measure code, and prices/discounts with no unit of measure code attached.

  • There might be a number of sales prices and sales line discounts covering the line on the sales document. Before the program takes the lowest price and highest discount, the following criteria are considered:

    • If there is a minimum quantity requirement that must be bought before the price/line discount is realized, is this fulfilled?

    • If there are no prices/line discounts in the specified currency code, the program selects the lowest price and the highest line discount in LCY. But if there are prices/line discounts in the specified currency code, the program selects the lowest price and the highest line discount for that currency, even if the LCY presents a better price.

    • If there are no prices/line discounts for the specified variant of the item, the program selects the lowest price and the highest line discount for the item, where a variant code has not been specified.

If no prices are found for the items on the line, then either the last direct cost or the unit price from the item card or stockkeeping unit card is retrieved.

See Also


How to: Get Sales Prices

Other Resources

Sales Prices
Unit Price
Last Direct Cost