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How to: Request Approval

When a record, such as a purchase document or a customer card, needs to be approved by someone in your organization, you send an approval request as part of a workflow. Based on how the workflow is set up, the appropriate approver is then notified that the record requires their approval. For more information, see Set Up Workflows.

Approval of records must be set up as workflows, one workflow for each scenario, such as the Purchase Invoice Approval Workflow. The generic version of Microsoft Dynamics NAV includes workflow templates for approval of all types of sales and purchase documents and for other records, such as customer cards. For more information, see the list of workflow templates in the Workflow Templates window.

To request approval of a record

  1. In the window that presents the record, on the Actions tab, in the Request Approval group, choose Send Approval Request.


    If the record is a journal line, then choose either Selected Journal lines or Journal Batch from the drop-down list. If you choose Journal Batch, then all journal lines are sent for approval, also those that you may not see because of filters.

    The status of the approval entry is updated from Created to Open. The status of the record is updated from Open to Pending Approval and remains locked for processing until all approvers have approved the record.

  2. To see all your approval requests, In the Search box, enter Approval Request Entries, and then choose the related link.

When the approver has approved the record, the status changes to Released. You can then continue your tasks with the record.

See Also


How to: Approve or Reject Requests for Approval
Walkthrough: Setting Up and Using a Purchase Approval Workflow


Use Workflows
Set Up Workflows