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Data Exchange Definition Window

Specifies a data exchange definition created with the Data Exchange Framework that enables users to exchange data, such as by sending and receiving electronic documents or by importing and exporting bank files.

In the Data Exchange Definition window, you describe the formatting of lines and columns in the data file. In the Field Mapping window, you specify which columns or data elements in the file map to which fields in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. When such a data exchange definition is created and activated in the framework, users can choose the related file format to start import or export of the data in question. For more information, see Exchange Data.


If the data file is in XML format, the term column in this topic should be interpreted as an xml element containing data.

General FastTab

Specifies the name and type of the data exchange definition and general information about the format of the file.

Line Definitions FastTab

Describes the formatting of lines in file that contain columns with data to be exchanged.

Choose the Field Mapping button to specify in the Field Mapping window how each column in the file maps to a field in a table in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

When you create a new line, you can also enter a pointer to the namespace for validation of the data exchange scheme.

Column Definitions FastTab

Describes the formatting of columns in the file that contain data to be exchanged.

You must create a line on this FastTab for every column in the file that you want to map to a field in Microsoft Dynamics NAV by selecting the column in the Field Mapping window.

Use the Get File Structure function to prefill the lines according to the structure of the data file. For more information, see Get File Structure and How to: Use XML Schemas to Prepare Data Exchange.


For more information on how to navigate in the user interface, see Work with Microsoft Dynamics NAV. For assistance in finding specific pages, see Search.

See Also


Field Mapping

Other Resources

How to: Enable Import/Export of Bank or Payroll Using the Data Exchange Framework
About the Data Exchange Framework
SEPA CAMT Field Mapping in Microsoft Dynamics NAV
How to: Use XML Schemas to Prepare Data Exchange
How to: Import Bank Statements
How to: Export Payments to a Bank File
Exchange Data
Business Functionality