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Currency Table

Specifies how you can invoice in foreign currencies, post in foreign currencies, record exchange rate differences, and generate statements in foreign currencies. You can post to a customer or vendor in an unlimited number of currencies. The resulting ledger entries will show the currency of each transaction.

You use this table to link various types of information (such as how you want the program to round invoices for specific currencies and which accounts you want the program to post to for exchange rate gains and losses) to a currency code. You must also set up exchange rates for each currency in the Currency Exchange Rate table.

After you have set up this information, you can enter a default currency code on customer and vendor cards. You can also enter the currency code in currency code fields elsewhere in the program. Then, when you post or set up orders, invoices, credit memos, and so on, the program will use the information represented by the code.

List of Fields in the Table

The following table lists the fields in this table.

Field Location
OIOUBL Currency Code Field, Currency Table Denmark Local Functionality
Vendor Amt. Rcd. Not Invoiced Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Realized G/L Losses Account Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Vendor Ledg. Entries in Filter Field, Currency Table General Ledger
TDS Rounding Precision Field, Currency Table India Income Tax
Unit-Amount Decimal Places Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Excise Rounding Precision Field, Currency Table India Excise
TDS Rounding Type Field, Currency Table India Income Tax
Customer Balance Due Field, Currency Table General Ledger
TCS Rounding Precision Field, Currency Table India Income Tax
Realized Losses Acc. Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Global Dimension 1 Filter Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Unit-Amount Rounding Precision Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Realized G/L Gains Account Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Vendor Balance Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Excise Rounding Type Field, Currency Table India Excise
Residual Losses Account Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Customer Filter Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Currency Factor Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Symbol Field, Currency Table United States Local Functionality
ISO Currency Code Field, Currency Table Belgium Local Functionality
Global Dimension 2 Filter Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Max. VAT Difference Allowed Field, Currency Table General Ledger
TCS Rounding Type Field, Currency Table India Income Tax
Description Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Appln. Rounding Precision Field, Currency Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
Vendor Balance (LCY) Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Bill Groups - Collection Field, Currency Table Spain Local Functionality
Realized Gains Acc. Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Customer Outstanding Orders Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Payment Tolerance % Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Payment Orders Field, Currency Table Spain Local Functionality
Bill Groups - Discount Field, Currency Table Spain Local Functionality
Cust. Ledg. Entries in Filter Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Vendor Outstanding Orders Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Vendor Balance Due Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Customer Balance (LCY) Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Amount Rounding Precision Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Conv. LCY Rndg. Debit Acc. Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Currency Decimal Description Field, Currency Table India Local Functionality
Vendor Filter Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Invoice Rounding Precision Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Code Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Amount Decimal Places Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Appln. Rounding Precision Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Customer Shipped Not Invoiced Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Residual Gains Account Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Currency Numeric Description Field, Currency Table India Local Functionality
Customer Balance Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Date Filter Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Last Date Modified Field, Currency Table General Ledger
EMU Currency Field, Currency Table General Ledger
VAT Rounding Type Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Conv. LCY Rndg. Credit Acc. Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Max. Payment Tolerance Amount Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Purch. Amt. Diff. Losses Acc. Field, Currency Table Deleted Topics
Sales PD Losses Acc. (TA) Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Hundred Kind Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Conventional Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
PD Bal. Gain/Loss Acc. (TA) Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Import Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Unit Name 5 Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Hundred Name 1 Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Description 2 Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Agreement Filter Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Hundred Name 5 Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Sales Amt. Diff. Losses Acc. Field, Currency Table Deleted Topics
Unit Kind Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Sales PD Gains Acc. (TA) Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Search Method Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. Amt. Diff. Gains Acc. Field, Currency Table Deleted Topics
Invoice Comment Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. PD Losses Acc. (TA) Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Sales Amt. Diff. Gains Acc. Field, Currency Table Deleted Topics
Purch. PD Gains Acc. (TA) Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Hundred Name 2 Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Unit Name 1 Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
RU Bank Code Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Unit Name 2 Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
ISO Currency Code Field, Currency Table Switzerland Local Functionality
Units to NOK Field, Currency Table Norway Local Functionality
Sales PD Losses Acc. (TA) Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Hundred Kind Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Conventional Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
PD Bal. Gain/Loss Acc. (TA) Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Import Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Unit Name 5 Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Hundred Name 1 Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Description 2 Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Agreement Filter Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Hundred Name 5 Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Unit Kind Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Sales PD Gains Acc. (TA) Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Search Method Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Invoice Comment Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. PD Losses Acc. (TA) Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. PD Gains Acc. (TA) Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Hundred Name 2 Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Unit Name 1 Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
RU Bank Code Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Unit Name 2 Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
ISO Currency Code Field, Currency Table Belgium Local Functionality
Last Date Adjusted Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Invoice Rounding Type Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Unrealized Losses Acc. Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Unrealized Gains Acc. Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Vendor Amt. Rcd. Not Invoiced Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Realized G/L Losses Account Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Vendor Ledg. Entries in Filter Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Unit-Amount Decimal Places Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Customer Balance Due Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Realized Losses Acc. Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Global Dimension 1 Filter Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Unit-Amount Rounding Precision Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Realized G/L Gains Account Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Vendor Balance Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Residual Losses Account Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Customer Filter Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Currency Factor Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Global Dimension 2 Filter Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Max. VAT Difference Allowed Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Description Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Vendor Balance (LCY) Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Last Date Adjusted Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Realized Gains Acc. Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Customer Outstanding Orders Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Payment Tolerance % Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Invoice Rounding Type Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Cust. Ledg. Entries in Filter Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Vendor Outstanding Orders Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Vendor Balance Due Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Customer Balance (LCY) Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Amount Rounding Precision Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Conv. LCY Rndg. Debit Acc. Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Vendor Filter Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Invoice Rounding Precision Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Code Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Amount Decimal Places Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Appln. Rounding Precision Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Customer Shipped Not Invoiced Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Residual Gains Account Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Customer Balance Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Date Filter Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Unrealized Losses Acc. Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Last Date Modified Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Unrealized Gains Acc. Field, Currency Table General Ledger
EMU Currency Field, Currency Table General Ledger
VAT Rounding Type Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Conv. LCY Rndg. Credit Acc. Field, Currency Table General Ledger
Max. Payment Tolerance Amount Field, Currency Table General Ledger
OIOUBL Currency Code Field, Currency Table Denmark Local Functionality
Symbol Field, Currency Table United States Local Functionality
Appln. Rounding Precision Field, Currency Table United Kingdom Local Functionality
Bill Groups - Collection Field, Currency Table Spain Local Functionality
Units to NOK Field, Currency Table Norway Local Functionality
Payment Orders Field, Currency Table Spain Local Functionality
Bill Groups - Discount Field, Currency Table Spain Local Functionality
Sales PD Losses Acc. (TA) Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Hundred Kind Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Conventional Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
PD Bal. Gain/Loss Acc. (TA) Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Import Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Unit Name 5 Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Hundred Name 1 Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Description 2 Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Agreement Filter Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Hundred Name 5 Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Unit Kind Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Sales PD Gains Acc. (TA) Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Search Method Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Invoice Comment Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. PD Losses Acc. (TA) Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. PD Gains Acc. (TA) Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Hundred Name 2 Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Unit Name 1 Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
RU Bank Code Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
Unit Name 2 Field, Currency Table Russia Local Functionality
ISO Currency Code Field, Currency Table Switzerland Local Functionality

See Also


Currency Exchange Rate

Other Resources

Set Up Currencies