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FA Posting Group Table

Defines links between fixed assets, where general ledger integration is activated, and the general ledger with fixed asset posting groups.


You must set up the necessary accounts in the Chart of Accounts window before you set up posting groups.

In the FA Posting Groups window, you specify for each posting group the accounts to which the program will post transactions involving fixed assets.

You use this window to assign a code to each fixed asset posting group. You can then enter the code in the FA Posting Group field in the FA Depreciation Books window that is linked to the individual fixed asset card.

In the following situations, the program will then use the information represented by the code to post to the accounts you specified:

  • Posting of purchase orders, invoices or credit memos

  • Posting of fixed asset transactions using journals

  • Posting journals with the help of the Calculate Depreciation batch job

  • Posting journals with the help of the Index Fixed Assets batch job

Posting groups also let you group fixed assets for statistical purposes.

List of Fields in the Table

The following table lists the fields in this table.

Field Location
Allocated Maintenance % Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Maintenance Expense Account Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Accum. Depreciation Account Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Custom 1 Bal. Acc. on Disposal Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Custom 2 Account on Disposal Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Maintenance Bal. Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Gains Acc. on Disposal Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Appreciation % Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Book Value % (Loss) Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Appreciation Bal. Account Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Write-Down % Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Sales Bal. Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Book Val. Acc. on Disp. (Loss) Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Write-Down Acc. on Disposal Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Appreciation Account Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Custom 1 % Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Acquisition Cost % Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Code Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Depreciation % Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Custom 1 Account on Disposal Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Appreciation Acc. on Disposal Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Write-Down Bal. Acc. on Disp. Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Sales Acc. on Disp. (Loss) Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Custom 2 Expense Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Write-Down Account Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Custom 1 Account Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Depreciation Expense Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Accum. Depr. Acc. on Disposal Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Custom 2 % Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Sales Price % Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Gain % Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Custom 1 Expense Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Write-Down Expense Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Apprec. Bal. Acc. on Disp. Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Acquisition Cost Account Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Losses Acc. on Disposal Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Book Value % (Gain) Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Sales Acc. on Disp. (Gain) Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Custom 2 Account Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Custom 2 Bal. Acc. on Disposal Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Book Val. Acc. on Disp. (Gain) Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Loss % Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Acquisition Cost Bal. Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Acq. Cost Acc. on Disposal Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Depr. Difference Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Finland Local Functionality
Derog. Bal. Acc. (Decrease) Field, FA Posting Group Table France Local Functionality
Depr. Difference Bal. Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Finland Local Functionality
Allocated Derogatory % Field, FA Posting Group Table France Local Functionality
Derogatory Acc. (Decrease) Field, FA Posting Group Table France Local Functionality
Derogatory Account Field, FA Posting Group Table France Local Functionality
Derogatory Expense Account Field, FA Posting Group Table France Local Functionality
Purch. PD Charge Conv. (FA) Field, FA Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Sales Amt. Diff. Losses Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Deleted Topics
Sales Amt. Diff. Gains Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Deleted Topics
Disposal Expense Account Field, FA Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Description Field, FA Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. PD Charge FCY (FA) Field, FA Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. PD Gains Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. PD Losses Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. Amt. Diff. Losses Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Deleted Topics
Purch. Amt. Diff. Gains Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Deleted Topics
Purch. PD Charge Conv. (FA) Field, FA Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Disposal Expense Account Field, FA Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Description Field, FA Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. PD Charge FCY (FA) Field, FA Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. PD Gains Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. PD Losses Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Allocated Maintenance % Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Maintenance Expense Account Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Accum. Depreciation Account Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Custom 1 Bal. Acc. on Disposal Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Custom 2 Account on Disposal Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Maintenance Bal. Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Gains Acc. on Disposal Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Appreciation % Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Book Value % (Loss) Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Appreciation Bal. Account Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Write-Down % Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Sales Bal. Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Book Val. Acc. on Disp. (Loss) Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Write-Down Acc. on Disposal Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Appreciation Account Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Custom 1 % Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Acquisition Cost % Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Code Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Depreciation % Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Custom 1 Account on Disposal Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Appreciation Acc. on Disposal Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Write-Down Bal. Acc. on Disp. Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Sales Acc. on Disp. (Loss) Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Custom 2 Expense Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Write-Down Account Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Custom 1 Account Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Depreciation Expense Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Accum. Depr. Acc. on Disposal Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Custom 2 % Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Sales Price % Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Gain % Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Custom 1 Expense Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Write-Down Expense Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Apprec. Bal. Acc. on Disp. Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Acquisition Cost Account Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Losses Acc. on Disposal Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Book Value % (Gain) Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Sales Acc. on Disp. (Gain) Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Custom 2 Account Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Custom 2 Bal. Acc. on Disposal Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Book Val. Acc. on Disp. (Gain) Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Allocated Loss % Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Acquisition Cost Bal. Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Acq. Cost Acc. on Disposal Field, FA Posting Group Table Fixed Assets
Depr. Difference Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Finland Local Functionality
Derog. Bal. Acc. (Decrease) Field, FA Posting Group Table France Local Functionality
Depr. Difference Bal. Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Finland Local Functionality
Allocated Derogatory % Field, FA Posting Group Table France Local Functionality
Derogatory Acc. (Decrease) Field, FA Posting Group Table France Local Functionality
Derogatory Account Field, FA Posting Group Table France Local Functionality
Derogatory Expense Account Field, FA Posting Group Table France Local Functionality
Purch. PD Charge Conv. (FA) Field, FA Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Disposal Expense Account Field, FA Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Description Field, FA Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. PD Charge FCY (FA) Field, FA Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. PD Gains Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality
Purch. PD Losses Acc. Field, FA Posting Group Table Russia Local Functionality

See Also


FA Posting Group Card
FA Posting Groups
FA Depreciation Book

Other Resources

About Posting Groups
G/L Account