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How to: Create Backups

We recommend that you create backups of your databases periodically.

To create a database backup

  1. In the development environment, on the Tools menu, choose Backup. The Backup window opens. You use this window to specify how extensive you want the backup to be and to create the database backup.

  2. Select the type of backup you want to make. The options are:

    • Entire Database

    • All Companies

    • Custom

    If you select Custom, then in the list of companies under Selected Companies, you must select the companies that you want copied.


    We recommend that you create backups of as much information as possible. When you restore a backup, you do not need to restore the entire backup. You can choose how much of the backup to restore.

  3. Choose if you want to include Data Common to All Companies and Application Objects in the backup. The data common to all companies includes the report list, permission sets, user IDs, and printer selections, but no company data.


    When you create a new database, you must always restore a Microsoft Dynamics NAV database backup into the new database. When you do this, the data common to all companies and the application objects are restored into the new, empty database.

  4. In the Description field, enter a unique description.

  5. In the File Name field, enter the path and filename where you want the backup to be saved. Choose the AssistEdit button to navigate to the location where you want to save the backup file.

    Microsoft Dynamics NAV will suggest a consecutive numbering and the file extension .fbk. We recommend that you use this system because Microsoft Dynamics NAV uses the same default when you import backups.

    If you enter only a file name, then the backup is saved in the current folder on the current drive.

  6. Choose the OK button to start creating the backup.

    After you start the backup, a window opens containing information about the status of the database that is being copied and the disk to which it is being copied. To cancel the backup, choose the Cancel button.

See Also


How to: Restore Database Backups