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How to: Delete Invoiced Service Orders

Orders are usually deleted automatically after having been fully invoiced. When an invoice is posted, a corresponding entry is created in the Posted Service Invoices window. The posted document can be viewed in the Posted Service Invoice window.

Service orders are not deleted automatically, however, if the total quantity on the order has been posted not from the service order itself, but from the Service Invoice window. Then you may need to delete invoiced orders that were not deleted. You can do this by running the Delete Invoiced Service Orders batch job.

To delete invoiced service orders

  1. In the Search box, enter Delete Invoiced Service Orders, and then choose the related link. The Delete Invoiced Service Orders batch job request window opens.

  2. To select the orders to be deleted, you can set filters in the No., Customer No., and Bill-to Customer No. fields.

  3. Choose the OK button.

See Also

Other Resources

Viewing Additional Information about Posted Service Documents