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How to: Copy Sales Prices

If you want to copy sales prices, such as an individual customer's sales prices to use for a customer price group, you must run the Suggest Sales Price on Wksh. batch job.

You find the batch job in the Sales Price Worksheet window.

To copy sales prices

  1. In the Search box, enter Sales Price Worksheet, and then choose the related link.

  2. On the Actions tab, in the Functions group, choose Suggest Sales Price on Wksh.

  3. On the Sales Prices FastTab, fill in the Sales Type and Sales Code fields with the original sales prices you want to copy.

  4. In the top section of the request window, fill in the Sales Type and Sales Code with the type and name you want the sales prices copied to.

  5. If you want the batch job to create new prices, select the Create New Prices field.

  6. Choose the OK button to fill in the lines on the Sales Price Worksheet window with the suggested new prices, indicating that they are valid for the selected Sales Type.


This batch job only creates suggestions and it does not implement the suggested changes. If you are satisfied with the suggestions and want to implement them, that is insert them in the Sales Prices table, you can use the Implement Price Changes batch job, which is found on the Actions tab, in the Functions group, in the Sales Price Worksheet window.

See Also


How to: Create Sales Prices for a Customer

Other Resources

Sales Prices
Sales Price Worksheet