ManagedPropertyAttributeMetadata EntityType
For internal use only.
Base Type: AttributeMetadata EntityType
Primary Key: MetadataId
Properties represent fields of data stored in the entity.
Name | Type | Description |
AttributeOf |
Edm.String |
The name of the attribute that this attribute extends. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
AttributeType |
The type for the attribute. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
AttributeTypeName |
The name of the type for the attribute. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
CanBeSecuredForCreate |
Edm.Boolean |
Whether field-level security can be applied to prevent a user from adding data to this attribute. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
CanBeSecuredForRead |
Edm.Boolean |
Whether field-level security can be applied to prevent a user from viewing data from this attribute. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
CanBeSecuredForUpdate |
Edm.Boolean |
Whether field-level security can be applied to prevent a user from updating data for this attribute. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
CanModifyAdditionalSettings |
Whether any settings not controlled by managed properties can be changed. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
ColumnNumber |
Edm.Int32 |
An organization-specific ID for the attribute used for auditing. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
DeprecatedVersion |
Edm.String |
The Microsoft Dynamics CRM version that the attribute was deprecated in. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
Description |
The label containing the description for the attribute. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
DisplayName |
A label containing the display name for the attribute. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
EntityLogicalName |
Edm.String |
The logical name of the entity that contains the attribute. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
HasChanged |
Edm.Boolean |
Indicates whether the item of metadata has changed. Inherited from: MetadataBase EntityType |
InheritsFrom |
Edm.String |
For internal use only. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
IntroducedVersion |
Edm.String |
A string identifying the solution version that the solution component was added in. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
IsAuditEnabled |
Whether the attribute is enabled for auditing. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
IsCustomAttribute |
Edm.Boolean |
Whether the attribute is a custom attribute. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
IsCustomizable |
Whether the attribute allows customization. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
IsFilterable |
Edm.Boolean |
For internal use only. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
IsGlobalFilterEnabled |
For internal use only. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
IsLogical |
Edm.Boolean |
Whether the attribute is a logical attribute. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
IsManaged |
Edm.Boolean |
Whether the attribute is part of a managed solution. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
IsPrimaryId |
Edm.Boolean |
Whether the attribute represents the unique identifier for the record. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
IsPrimaryName |
Edm.Boolean |
Whether the attribute represents the primary attribute for the entity. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
IsRenameable |
Whether the attribute display name can be changed. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
IsRetrievable |
Edm.Boolean |
For internal use only. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
IsSearchable |
Edm.Boolean |
For internal use only. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
IsSecured |
Edm.Boolean |
Whether the attribute is secured for field-level security. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
IsSortableEnabled |
For internal use only. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
IsValidForAdvancedFind |
Whether the attribute appears in Advanced Find. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
IsValidForCreate |
Edm.Boolean |
Whether the value can be set when a record is created. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
IsValidForRead |
Edm.Boolean |
Whether the value can be retrieved. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
IsValidForUpdate |
Edm.Boolean |
Whether the value can be updated. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
LinkedAttributeId |
Edm.Guid |
The id of the attribute that is linked between appointments and recurring appointments. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
LogicalName |
Edm.String |
The logical name for the attribute. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
ManagedPropertyLogicalName |
Edm.String |
For internal use only. |
MetadataId |
Edm.Guid |
A unique identifier for the metadata item. Inherited from: MetadataBase EntityType |
ParentAttributeName |
Edm.String |
For internal use only. |
ParentComponentType |
Edm.Int32 |
For internal use only. |
RequiredLevel |
The property that determines the data entry requirement level enforced for the attribute. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
SchemaName |
Edm.String |
The schema name for the attribute. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
SourceType |
Edm.Int32 |
A value that indicates the source type for a calculated or rollup attribute. Inherited from: AttributeMetadata EntityType |
ValueAttributeTypeCode |
For internal use only. |
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Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online
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