Classe UpdateRequest
Si applica a: CRM 2015 on-prem, CRM Online
Contains the data that is needed to update an existing record.
Spazio dei nomi: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Messages
Assembly: Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk (in Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll)
<DataContractAttribute(Namespace:="")> _
Public NotInheritable Class UpdateRequest
Inherits OrganizationRequest
public sealed class UpdateRequest : OrganizationRequest
The following example shows how to use this message. For this sample to work correctly, you must be connected to the server to get an IOrganizationService interface. For the complete sample, see the link later in this topic.
// Retrieve current price list
ProductPriceLevel priceListItem =
new ColumnSet("productpricelevelid", "amount")
Console.WriteLine("Current price list retrieved.");
Console.WriteLine("Details before update:");
Console.WriteLine("Current order total: {0}",
Console.WriteLine("Current price per item: {0}",
Console.WriteLine("</End of Listing>");
// Update the price list
priceListItem.Amount = new Money(30.0M);
UpdateRequest updatePriceListItem = new UpdateRequest()
Target = priceListItem,
Console.WriteLine("Price list updated.");
Message Availability
Questo messaggio funziona indipendentemente dal fatto che il chiamante sia connesso al server o offline. Not all entity types support this message offline. For more information, see Supported Entities later in this topic.
Pass an instance of this class to the Execute method, which returns an instance of the UpdateResponse class.
Il messaggio supporta uno o più parametri facoltativi. Per ulteriori informazioni, vedere la sezione relativa al passaggio di parametri facoltativi nei messaggi.
Privileges and Access Rights
To perform this action, the caller must have privileges on the specified entity in the entity parameter. For a list of the required privileges, see Update Privileges.
Notes for Callers
This message updates a record and its related records in one transaction. For a less complex method that updates a single record, use the Update method.
If the entity instance that is specified in the Target parameter includes attributes that are not valid for update, they are ignored.
Supported Entities
You can use this method to update any record of an entity that supports the Update message, including custom entities.
Nella tabella seguente vengono mostrate le entità predefinite che supportano questo messaggio. Per le entità elencate di questo messaggio, nella colonna Disponibilità viene indicato Server se il chiamante deve essere connesso al server ed Entrambi se il chiamante può essere connesso oppure disconnesso dal server.
Entity | Availability |
Account |
2 (Both) |
ActivityMimeAttachment |
2 (Both) |
Annotation |
2 (Both) |
AnnualFiscalCalendar |
2 (Both) |
Appointment |
2 (Both) |
AsyncOperation |
2 (Both) |
BusinessUnit |
2 (Both) |
BusinessUnitNewsArticle |
2 (Both) |
Calendar |
2 (Both) |
Campaign |
2 (Both) |
CampaignActivity |
2 (Both) |
CampaignResponse |
2 (Both) |
Competitor |
2 (Both) |
Connection |
2 (Both) |
ConnectionRole |
2 (Both) |
ConstraintBasedGroup |
2 (Both) |
Contact |
2 (Both) |
Contract |
2 (Both) |
ContractDetail |
2 (Both) |
ContractTemplate |
2 (Both) |
ConvertRule |
2 (Both) |
ConvertRuleItem |
2 (Both) |
CustomerAddress |
2 (Both) |
CustomerOpportunityRole |
2 (Both) |
CustomerRelationship |
2 (Both) |
Discount |
2 (Both) |
DiscountType |
2 (Both) |
DisplayString |
2 (Both) |
DuplicateRule |
2 (Both) |
DuplicateRuleCondition |
2 (Both) |
DynamicProperty |
2 (Both) |
DynamicPropertyAssociation |
2 (Both) |
DynamicPropertyInstance |
2 (Both) |
DynamicPropertyOptionSetItem |
2 (Both) |
2 (Both) |
EmailServerProfile |
2 (Both) |
Entitlement |
2 (Both) |
EntitlementChannel |
2 (Both) |
EntitlementTemplate |
2 (Both) |
EntitlementTemplateChannel |
2 (Both) |
Equipment |
2 (Both) |
ExchangeSyncIdMapping |
2 (Both) |
Fax |
2 (Both) |
FieldPermission |
2 (Both) |
FieldSecurityProfile |
2 (Both) |
FixedMonthlyFiscalCalendar |
2 (Both) |
Goal |
2 (Both) |
GoalRollupQuery |
2 (Both) |
HierarchyRule |
2 (Both) |
Import |
2 (Both) |
ImportFile |
2 (Both) |
ImportJob |
2 (Both) |
ImportMap |
2 (Both) |
Incident |
2 (Both) |
IncidentResolution |
2 (Both) |
Invoice |
2 (Both) |
InvoiceDetail |
2 (Both) |
IsvConfig |
2 (Both) |
KbArticle |
2 (Both) |
KbArticleComment |
2 (Both) |
KbArticleTemplate |
2 (Both) |
Lead |
2 (Both) |
Letter |
2 (Both) |
List |
2 (Both) |
Mailbox |
2 (Both) |
MailMergeTemplate |
2 (Both) |
Metric |
2 (Both) |
MonthlyFiscalCalendar |
2 (Both) |
msdyn_PostAlbum |
2 (Both) |
msdyn_PostConfig |
2 (Both) |
msdyn_PostRuleConfig |
2 (Both) |
msdyn_wallsavedquery |
2 (Both) |
msdyn_wallsavedqueryusersettings |
2 (Both) |
Opportunity |
2 (Both) |
OpportunityClose |
2 (Both) |
OpportunityProduct |
2 (Both) |
OrderClose |
2 (Both) |
Organization |
2 (Both) |
OrganizationUI |
2 (Both) |
PhoneCall |
2 (Both) |
PluginAssembly |
2 (Both) |
PluginType |
2 (Both) |
Position |
2 (Both) |
PriceLevel |
2 (Both) |
PrincipalObjectAttributeAccess |
2 (Both) |
ProcessSession |
2 (Both) |
ProcessTrigger |
2 (Both) |
Product |
2 (Both) |
ProductAssociation |
2 (Both) |
ProductPriceLevel |
2 (Both) |
ProductSubstitute |
2 (Both) |
Publisher |
2 (Both) |
PublisherAddress |
2 (Both) |
QuarterlyFiscalCalendar |
2 (Both) |
Queue |
2 (Both) |
QueueItem |
2 (Both) |
Quote |
2 (Both) |
QuoteClose |
2 (Both) |
QuoteDetail |
2 (Both) |
RecurrenceRule |
2 (Both) |
RecurringAppointmentMaster |
2 (Both) |
RelationshipRole |
2 (Both) |
RelationshipRoleMap |
2 (Both) |
Report |
2 (Both) |
ReportCategory |
2 (Both) |
ReportEntity |
2 (Both) |
ReportVisibility |
2 (Both) |
ResourceSpec |
2 (Both) |
Role |
2 (Both) |
RollupField |
2 (Both) |
RoutingRule |
2 (Both) |
RoutingRuleItem |
2 (Both) |
SalesLiterature |
2 (Both) |
SalesLiteratureItem |
2 (Both) |
SalesOrder |
2 (Both) |
SalesOrderDetail |
2 (Both) |
SavedQuery |
2 (Both) |
SavedQueryVisualization |
2 (Both) |
SdkMessageProcessingStep |
2 (Both) |
SdkMessageProcessingStepImage |
2 (Both) |
SdkMessageProcessingStepSecureConfig |
2 (Both) |
SemiAnnualFiscalCalendar |
2 (Both) |
Service |
2 (Both) |
ServiceAppointment |
2 (Both) |
ServiceEndpoint |
2 (Both) |
SharePointData |
2 (Both) |
SharePointDocumentLocation |
2 (Both) |
SharePointSite |
2 (Both) |
Site |
2 (Both) |
SiteMap |
2 (Both) |
2 (Both) |
SLAItem |
2 (Both) |
SLAKPIInstance |
2 (Both) |
SocialActivity |
2 (Both) |
SocialInsightsConfiguration |
2 (Both) |
SocialProfile |
2 (Both) |
Solution |
2 (Both) |
Subject |
2 (Both) |
SystemForm |
2 (Both) |
SystemUser |
2 (Both) |
Task |
2 (Both) |
Team |
2 (Both) |
TeamTemplate |
2 (Both) |
Template |
2 (Both) |
Territory |
2 (Both) |
TransactionCurrency |
2 (Both) |
UoM |
2 (Both) |
UoMSchedule |
2 (Both) |
UserEntityInstanceData |
2 (Both) |
UserEntityUISettings |
2 (Both) |
UserForm |
2 (Both) |
UserQuery |
2 (Both) |
UserQueryVisualization |
2 (Both) |
UserSettings |
2 (Both) |
WebResource |
2 (Both) |
Workflow |
2 (Both) |
WorkflowDependency |
2 (Both) |
WorkflowLog |
2 (Both) |
Gerarchia ereditarietà
Thread Safety
Tutti i membri statici pubblici (Shared in Visual Basic) di questo tipo sono thread-safe. Non è garantito che i membri di istanza siano thread-safe.
Piattaforme di sviluppo
Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 e
Piattaforme di destinazione
Windows Vista,Windows XP
Change History
Vedere anche
Membri UpdateRequest
Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Messages
Altre risorse
Write Code for Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Web Services)
Sample: Process Quotes, Sales Orders and Invoices
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