Classe SavedQueryQueryType
Si applica a: CRM 2015 on-prem, CRM Online
Contains integer values that are used for the SavedQuery.QueryType attribute.
Spazio dei nomi: Microsoft.Crm.Sdk
Assembly: Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy (in Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.dll)
Public NotInheritable Class SavedQueryQueryType
public static class SavedQueryQueryType
The following table shows the values for this class.
Member | Value | Description |
AddressBookFilters |
512 |
An address book filter. |
AdvancedSearch |
1 |
An advanced search. |
CustomDefinedView |
16384 |
A custom view. |
InteractiveWorkflowView |
4096 |
A view for a dialog (workflow process) |
LookupView |
64 |
A lookup view. |
MainApplicationView |
0 |
Specifies the main application view. |
MainApplicationViewWithoutSubject |
1024 |
Specifies the main application view without a subject. |
OfflineFilters |
16 |
An offline Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook filter query. |
OfflineTemplate |
8192 |
An offline template for CRM per Outlook. |
OutlookFilters |
256 |
A Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Outlook filter query. |
OutlookTemplate |
131072 |
A template for CRM per Outlook. |
QuickFindSearch |
4 |
A quick find query, which defines the columns searched using the Search field in a list view. |
Reporting |
8 |
A reporting query. |
SavedQueryTypeOther |
2048 |
A saved query used for workflow templates and e-mail templates. |
SmAppointmentbookView |
128 |
Specifies the service management appointment book view. |
SubGrid |
2 |
A sub-grid. |
Gerarchia ereditarietà
Thread Safety
Tutti i membri statici pubblici (Shared in Visual Basic) di questo tipo sono thread-safe. Non è garantito che i membri di istanza siano thread-safe.
Piattaforme di sviluppo
Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 e
Piattaforme di destinazione
Windows Vista,Windows XP
Vedere anche
Membri SavedQueryQueryType
Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.Crm.Sdk
Types of Views
Altre risorse
SavedQuery (View) Entity Messages and Methods
Customize Entity Views in Microsoft Dynamics CRM
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