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EcoResCategory::resolveCategoryHierarchy Method

Creates and displays a lookup from which the user can select a category ID from a specified category hierarchy.


client public static Common resolveCategoryHierarchy(
    FormReferenceControl _formReferenceControl, 
    EcoResCategoryHierarchy _ecoResCategoryHierarchy, 
   [boolean _leafNodeOnlySelect, 
    boolean _showActiveNodesOnly, 
    boolean _showCommodityCodeWithName, 
    EcoResCategorySelectionValidator _ecoResCategorySelectionValidator, 
    RefRecId _buyingLegalEntity, 
    RefRecId _receivingOperatingUnit, 
    ProcCategoryOrganizationOption _organizationOption])

Run On



  • _ecoResCategoryHierarchy
    Type: EcoResCategoryHierarchy Table
    An EcoResCategoryHierarchy table record that indicates the category hierarchy from which to fetch categories.
  • _leafNodeOnlySelect
    Type: boolean
    A Boolean value that indicates whether only the leaf categories are selectable; optional.
  • _showActiveNodesOnly
    Type: boolean
    A Boolean value that indicates whether only the active categories are shown in the tree view or not; optional.
  • _showCommodityCodeWithName
    Type: boolean
    A Boolean value that indicates whether to show the commodity code and the category name in the tree view; optional.
  • _ecoResCategorySelectionValidator
    Type: EcoResCategorySelectionValidator Interface
    An object that implements the EcoResCategorySelectionValidator interface that is used for validating the category selection; optional.
  • _buyingLegalEntity
    Type: RefRecId Extended Data Type
    The legal entity reference record ID in the CompanyInfo table for which the category availability can be retrieved; optional.
  • _receivingOperatingUnit
    Type: RefRecId Extended Data Type
    The operating unit reference rec ID in the OMOperatingUnit table for which the category availability can be retrieved; optional.

Return Value

Type: Common Table
The selected record for record mode selection; otherwise nullNothingnullptrunita null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).


The category ID can be found by buying the legal entity, which considers only buying the legal entity, by receiving the operating unit, which considers buying the legal entity and receiving the operating unit, and by both, which considers both buying the legal entity, and buying the legal entity and receiving the operating unit combined.

See Also


EcoResCategory Table