TaxUncommitted::deleteForDocumentHeader Method
Deletes the current set of TaxUncommitted records for the specified document.
server public static void deleteForDocumentHeader(
RefTableId _documentTableId,
RefRecId _documentId,
[boolean _deleteSourceDocumentLine,
boolean _needToCheckEventState,
boolean _maintainExistingTaxUncommitted])
Run On
- _documentTableId
Type: RefTableId Extended Data Type
The table ID for the transaction header.
- _documentId
Type: RefRecId Extended Data Type
The record ID of the transaction header.
- _deleteSourceDocumentLine
Type: boolean
A Boolean value that indicates whether to remove the SourceDocumentLine and AccountingDistribution records for the current set of tax records; optional.
- _needToCheckEventState
Type: boolean
A Boolean value that indicates whether to remove the AccountingDistribution records for the current set of tax records which are created for the current active event; optional.
- _maintainExistingTaxUncommitted
Type: boolean