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LedgerPostingType Enumeration

Help Text: Transaction type is a specification of the type of transaction.
Style: ComboBox


Name Value Description
None 0
ExchRateGain 1 Exchange rate gain
ExchRateLoss 2 Exchange rate loss
InterCompany 3 Intercompany accounting
Tax 4 Sales tax
VATRoundOff 5 Sales tax rounding
Allocation 6 Allocation
InvestmentDuty 7 Investment tax
Liquidity 8 Liquidity
MSTDiffSecond 9 Penny difference in reporting currency
ErrorAccount 10 Error account
MSTDiff 11 Penny difference in accounting currency
YearResult 12 Year-end result
Closing 13 Close
LedgerJournal 14 Ledger journal
CashDiscount 15 Cash discount
ConsolidateDiffBalance 16 Balance account for consolidation differences
PaymentFee 17 Payment fee
TaxReport 18 Sales tax reporting
TransferOpeningClosing 19 Transfer of closing and opening transactions
Bank 20 Bank
ConversionProfit 21 Accounting currency conversion gain
ConversionLoss 22 Accounting currency conversion loss
TaxWithhold 23 Withholding tax
ConsolidateDiffProfitLoss 24 Profit and loss account for consolidation differences
IndirectEstimatedAbsorptionOffset 25 Estimated indirect absorption offset
IndirectAbsorption 26 Indirect absorption
IndirectAbsorptionOffset 27 Indirect absorption offset
FreeTextInvoice 28 Free text invoice
ConversionReportingLoss 29 Reporting currency conversion loss
ConversionReportingProfit 30 Reporting currency conversion gain
CustBalance 31 Customer balance
CustRevenue 32 Customer revenue
CustInterest 33 Customer interest
CustCashDisc 34 Customer cash discount
CustCollectionLetterFee 35 Customer collection letter fee
CustInterestFee 36 Customer interest fee
CustInvoiceDisc 37 Customer invoice discount
CustPayment 38 Customer payment
CustReimbursement 39 Reimbursement
CustSettlement 40 Customer settlement
VendBalance 41 Vendor balance
VendPurchLedger 42 Vendor incoming
VendOffsetAccount 43 Vendor offset account
VendInterest 44 Vendor interest
VendCashDisc 45 Vendor cash discount
VendPayment 46 Vendor disbursement
VendInvoiceDisc 47 Vendor invoice discount
VendSettlement 48 Vendor settlement
CrossCompanySettlement 49 Intercompany settlement
InventIssueFixedAsset 50 Fixed asset issue
SalesRevenue 51 Sales order revenue
SalesConsump 52 Sales order consumption
SalesDisc 53 Sales order discount
SalesCash 54 Order cash
SalesFreight 55 Order, freight
SalesFee 56 Order fee
SalesPostage 57 Sales order postage
SalesRoundOff 58 Order invoice rounding
SalesPackingSlip 59 Order packing slip
SalesOffsetAccountPackingSlip 60 Order offset account packing slip
SalesIssue 61 Sales order issue
SalesCommission 62 Sales, commission
SalesOffsetAccountCommission 63 Sales, commission offset
SalesPckSlipRevenue 64 Sales - packing slip revenue
SalesPckSlipRevenueOffsetAccount 65 Sales - packing slip revenue offset
Rebate 66 Rebate
PdsCWLoss 67 Catch weight loss account
PdsCWProfit 68 Catch weight profit account
PurchConsump 71 Purchase expenditure for product
PurchDisc 72 Purchase, discount
PurchCash 73 Purchase cash
PurchFreight 74 Purchase freight
PurchFee 75 Purchase fee
PurchPostage 76 Purchase postage
PurchOffsetAccount 77 Purchase offset account
PurchaseInvoiceRoundOff 78 Vendor invoice rounding-off
PurchMarkupFreight 79 Purchase charges, freight
PurchMarkupCustoms 80 Purchase charges duty
PurchMarkupInsurance 81 Purchase charges insurance
PurchPckSlp 82 Product receipt
PurchOffsetAccountPckSlp 83 Purchase expenditure, un-invoiced
PurchReceipt 84 Purchase, inventory receipt
PurchStdProfit 85 Purchase, fixed receipt price profit
PurchStdLoss 86 Purchase, fixed receipt price loss
PurchStdOffsetAccount 87 Purchase, fixed receipt price offset
InventReceipt 91 Inventory, inventory receipt
InventIssue 92 Inventory, inventory issue
InventProfit 93 Inventory, inventory profit
InventLoss 94 Inventory, inventory loss
InventStdProfit 95 Inventory, fixed receipt price profit
InventStdLoss 96 Inventory, fixed receipt price loss
Opening_ES 97 Opening
PurchReq 98 Pre-encumbrance
PurchOrder 99 Encumbrance
APInvoice 100 AP invoice
Budget 101 Budget
PurchOrderYearEnd 102 Purchase order year-end close
InflationAdjustment_MX 103 Inflation adjustment
ProdReportFinished 105 Production, report as finished
ProdReportFinishedOffsetAccount 106 Production offset-account, report as finished
ProdIssue 107 Production issue
ProdIssueOffsetAccount 108 Production offset account issue
ProdReceipt 109 Production receipt
ProdReceiptOffsetAccount 110 Production offset account receipt
ProdPicklistOffsetAccount 111 Production offset account picking list
ProdPicklist 112 Production, picking list
ProdWIPValuation 113 Production - WIP
ProdWIPIssue 114 Production WIP issue
ProdWrkCtrIssue 115 Production - resource issue
ProdScrap 116 Production scrap
ProdWrkCtrIssueOffsetAccount 117 Production offset account, resource issue
ProdScrapOffsetAccount 118 Production offset account, scrap
ProdLeanWIPServiceReceipt 119 Lean service WIP receipt
ProdLeanWIPServiceClearing 120 Lean service WIP clearing
ProjCost 121 Project - cost
ProjPayrollAllocation 122 Project - payroll allocation
ProjWIPCostvalue 123 Project - WIP cost
ProjOffsetAccountItem 124 Project - cost - item
ProjStatusAccountItem 125 Project - WIP cost - Item
ProjTurnover 126 Project - invoiced revenue
ProjOnAccount 127 Project - invoiced on-account
ProjSalesvalue 128 Project - accrued revenue - sales value
ProjSalesvalueOffset 129 Project - WIP - sales value
ProjAccruedTurnoverProd 130 Project - accrued revenue - production
ProjWIPProduction 131 Project - WIP - production
ProJAccruedTurnoverProfit 132 Project - accrued revenue - profit
ProjWIPProfit 133 Project - WIP - profit
ProjNeverLedger 134 Never ledger
ProjAccruedCost 135 Project - accrued loss
ProjWIPCost 136 Project - WIP - accrued loss
ProjAccruedRevenueOnAccount 137 Project - accrued revenue - on account
ProjWIPInvoicedOnAccount 138 Project - WIP invoiced - on account
ProjNoLedger 139 No ledger
PayrollDebitAccount 141 Wage debit account
PayrollCreditAccount 142 Payroll credit account
EmplPayment_RU 146 Employee payment
RTSLTranslationDifference 147 Translation difference
RCash 148 Petty cash
InventRoundingLoss_RU 149 Inventory, rounding - Loss
InventRoundingProfit_RU 150 Inventory, rounding - Profit
AdvanceAdjustmentGain_RU 151 Advance adjustment profit
AdvanceAdjustmentLoss_RU 152 Advance adjustment loss
FixedAssetsDebit 161 Fixed assets, debit
FixedAssetsCredit 162 Fixed assets, credit
CACLedgerJournalNoOff 163 Ledger journal - no offset account
AmountDiffGain_RU 165 Amount difference gain
AmountDiffLoss_RU 166 Amount difference loss
Misc_IN 175 Miscellaneous
TransferGoodsTransit_IN 176 Goods in transit
TransferScrap_IN 177 Scrap
PurchCharge 201 Purchase, charge
PurchStockVariation 202 Purchase, stock variation
PurchPckSlpPurchaseOffsetAccount 203 Purchase, accrual
PurchPckSlpTax 204 Accrued sales tax on receipt
PurchPckSlpPurchase 205 Purchase, product receipt purchase
SalesPackingslipTax 206 Sales, packing slip tax
ProjAccruedRevenueSubscription 207 Accrued revenue - subscription
ProjWIPSubscription 208 WIP - subscription
TaxOffsetWithhold_TH 209 Withholding tax offset
InventStdCostChangeVariance 210 Cost change variance
InventSystemRounding 211 System rounding
PurchAdvance 212 Prepayment
PurchStdCostPurchasePriceVariance 213 Purchase price variance
PurchAdvanceApplication 214 Prepayment application
ProdStdCostProductionVariance 216 Production price variance
SalesGoodsInRoute_RU 217 Sales order, items shipped
SalesGoodsInRouteOffset_RU 218 Sales order, items shipped offset
InventInterUnitPayable 219 Inventory inter-unit payable
InventInterUnitReceivable 220 Inventory inter-unit receivable
IndirectEstimatedAbsorption 221 Estimated indirect absorption
ProdStdCostLotSizeVariance 222 Production lot size variance
ProdStdCostQuantityVariance 223 Production quantity variance
ProdStdCostSubstitutionVariance 224 Production substitution variance
InventStdCostRoundingVariance 225 Rounding variance
PurchReceiptFixedAsset 226 Fixed asset receipt
PSATransportation 228 Expense - transportation
PSACompanyCCClearing 229 Expense - company CC clearing
PSAEmployeeClearing 230 Expense - worker clearing
PSAEmployeeAdvance 231 Expense - worker advances
PSAWriteOffCap 232 Project - write off NTE
PSAProjRetain 233 Customer payment retention receivable
PSAProjPurchRetain 234 Vendor retention
InventStdCostRevaluation 235 Inventory cost revaluation
PurchExpense 236 Purchase expenditure for expense
InventMovingAveragePriceDifference 237 Price difference for moving average
SalesTax_IN 181 India sales tax
InventMovingAverageCostRevaluation 238 Cost revaluation for moving average
Excise_IN 182 Excise
IntercompanyCost 239 Intercompany cost
ServiceTax_IN 183 Service tax
IntercompanyRevenue 240 Intercompany revenue
Customs_IN 184 Customs
TDS_IN 185 Withholding tax (TDS)
TCS_IN 186 Withholding tax (TCS)
TransferIssue_IN 244 Issue
TransferReceipt_IN 245 Receipt
TransferProfit_IN 246 Unrealized gain
TransferLoss_IN 247 Unrealized loss
TaxAdjustmentSettlement_IN 250 Tax adjustment - settlement
TaxExpense_BR 251 Sales tax expense
BankStatement 249 Bank statement
EmplBalance_RU 227 Employee balance
DebitNote_BR 69 Debit note
CustFine_BR 248 Customer fine
VendFine_BR 70 Vendor fine
Payroll 195 Payroll
InterunitDebit 88 Interunit - debit
InterunitCredit 89 Interunit - credit
FixedAssetsDebit_RU 241 Fixed assets (Russia), debit
FixedAssetsCredit_RU 242 Fixed assets (Russia), credit
TransferInterim_IN 90 Interim Transit
DeferralsDebit_RU 243 Debit deferrals
DeferralsCredit_RU 215 Credit deferrals
MCRReturns 159 Return sales order revenue
MCRReturnsConsump 160 Return sales order consumption
MCRUnderpayWriteOff 164 Underpayment write off
MCRBrokerFee 190 Broker fee
RPayTaxRefundOffset 200 NDFL refund offset

See Also


Base Enum Properties

Data Types in X++