Procedura: elencare i formati dati in un oggetto dati
Negli esempi riportati di seguito viene illustrato come utilizzare gli overlod di metodo GetFormats per ottenere una matrice di stringhe che indicano ogni formato dati disponibile in un oggetto dati.
Nell'esempio di codice riportato di seguito viene utilizzato l'overload di GetFormats per ottenere una matrice di stringhe contenente l'indicazione di tutti i formati dati disponibili in un oggetto dati (nativo e a conversione automatica).
Dim dataObject As New DataObject("Some string data to store...")
' Get an array of strings, each string denoting a data format
' that is available in the data object. This overload of GetDataFormats
' returns all available data formats, native and auto-convertible.
Dim dataFormats() As String = dataObject.GetFormats()
' Get the number of data formats present in the data object, including both
' auto-convertible and native data formats.
Dim numberOfDataFormats As Integer = dataFormats.Length
' To enumerate the resulting array of data formats, and take some action when
' a particular data format is found, use a code structure similar to the following.
For Each dataFormat As String In dataFormats
If dataFormat = System.Windows.DataFormats.Text Then
' Take some action if/when data in the Text data format is found.
Exit For
ElseIf dataFormat = System.Windows.DataFormats.StringFormat Then
' Take some action if/when data in the string data format is found.
Exit For
End If
Next dataFormat
DataObject dataObject = new DataObject("Some string data to store...");
// Get an array of strings, each string denoting a data format
// that is available in the data object. This overload of GetDataFormats
// returns all available data formats, native and auto-convertible.
string[] dataFormats = dataObject.GetFormats();
// Get the number of data formats present in the data object, including both
// auto-convertible and native data formats.
int numberOfDataFormats = dataFormats.Length;
// To enumerate the resulting array of data formats, and take some action when
// a particular data format is found, use a code structure similar to the following.
foreach (string dataFormat in dataFormats)
if (dataFormat == DataFormats.Text)
// Take some action if/when data in the Text data format is found.
else if(dataFormat == DataFormats.StringFormat)
// Take some action if/when data in the string data format is found.
Nell'esempio di codice riportato di seguito viene utilizzato l'overload di GetFormats per ottenere una matrice di stringhe contenente l'indicazione dei soli formati dati disponibili in un oggetto dati (i formati dati a conversione automatica sono filtrati).
Dim dataObject As New DataObject("Some string data to store...")
' Get an array of strings, each string denoting a data format
' that is available in the data object. This overload of GetDataFormats
' accepts a Boolean parameter inidcating whether to include auto-convertible
' data formats, or only return native data formats.
Dim dataFormats() As String = dataObject.GetFormats(False) ' Include auto-convertible?
' Get the number of native data formats present in the data object.
Dim numberOfDataFormats As Integer = dataFormats.Length
' To enumerate the resulting array of data formats, and take some action when
' a particular data format is found, use a code structure similar to the following.
For Each dataFormat As String In dataFormats
If dataFormat = System.Windows.DataFormats.Text Then
' Take some action if/when data in the Text data format is found.
Exit For
End If
Next dataFormat
DataObject dataObject = new DataObject("Some string data to store...");
// Get an array of strings, each string denoting a data format
// that is available in the data object. This overload of GetDataFormats
// accepts a Boolean parameter inidcating whether to include auto-convertible
// data formats, or only return native data formats.
string[] dataFormats = dataObject.GetFormats(false /* Include auto-convertible? */);
// Get the number of native data formats present in the data object.
int numberOfDataFormats = dataFormats.Length;
// To enumerate the resulting array of data formats, and take some action when
// a particular data format is found, use a code structure similar to the following.
foreach (string dataFormat in dataFormats)
if (dataFormat == DataFormats.Text)
// Take some action if/when data in the Text data format is found.