Proprietà DynamicRenderer.ClipRectangle
Aggiornamento: novembre 2007
Ottiene o imposta la struttura Rectanglenella quale disegnare i tratti di cui è stato eseguito il rendering dinamico.
Spazio dei nomi: Microsoft.StylusInput
Assembly: Microsoft.Ink (in Microsoft.Ink.dll)
Public Property ClipRectangle As Rectangle
Dim instance As DynamicRenderer
Dim value As Rectangle
value = instance.ClipRectangle
instance.ClipRectangle = value
public Rectangle ClipRectangle { get; set; }
property Rectangle ClipRectangle {
Rectangle get ();
void set (Rectangle value);
/** @property */
public Rectangle get_ClipRectangle()
/** @property */
public void set_ClipRectangle(Rectangle value)
public function get ClipRectangle () : Rectangle
public function set ClipRectangle (value : Rectangle)
Valore proprietà
Tipo: System.Drawing.Rectangle
Rettangolo, in pixel, nel quale disegnare i tratti di cui è stato eseguito il rendering dinamico.
La proprietà ClipRectangle viene impostata immediatamente e si applica al tratto disegnato, a differenza della proprietà DrawingAttributes che si applica al tratto disegnato successivo. In questo modo il rettangolo di ritaglio può aumentare mentre viene disegnato il tratto.
Se si chiama il metodo Refresh dell'oggetto DynamicRenderer dal gestore dell'evento Paint, impostare la proprietà ClipRectangle dell'oggetto DynamicRenderer sulla proprietà ClipRectangle dell'oggetto PaintEventArgs.
Attualmente, se ClipRectangle viene espansa durante il disegno di un tratto, è necessaria una chiamata a DynamicRenderer.Refresh per visualizzare il nuovo input penna. Questa chiamata a Refresh deve essere effettuata ogni volta che il nuovo input penna viene visualizzato in una nuova area. Questa operazione può tuttavia causare problemi di prestazioni al momento dell'immissione dell'input penna nella nuova area.
In questo esempio C# viene espanso orizzontalmente un form se un tratto si avvicina al bordo destro della finestra. Se viene ricevuto un pacchetto posizionato entro 100 pixel dal bordo destro, la finestra si espande di 100 pixel. Si noti la necessità di chiamare DynamicRenderer.Refresh se il pacchetto si trova nell'area appena espansa e la necessità di tenere traccia di tale area tramite il campo oldWidth.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data;
using Microsoft.Ink;
using Microsoft.StylusInput;
using Microsoft.StylusInput.PluginData;
namespace TestDynamicRendererClipRectangle
public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form, Microsoft.StylusInput.IStylusAsyncPlugin
private RealTimeStylus theRealTimeStylus;
private DynamicRenderer theDynamicRenderer;
private Renderer theRenderer;
private int oldWidth;
/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
/// </summary>
private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;
public Form1()
theDynamicRenderer = new DynamicRenderer(this);
theRenderer = new Renderer();
// Create the real time stylus used to receive stylus notifications
theRealTimeStylus = new RealTimeStylus(this, true);
// Add the dynamic renderer to the synchronous plugin notification chain.
// Synchronous notifications occur on the pen thread.
// Add the form to the asynchronous plugin notification chain. This plugin
// will be used to collect stylus data into an ink object. Asynchronous
// notifications occur on the UI thread.
// Enable the real time stylus and the dynamic renderer
theRealTimeStylus.Enabled = true;
theDynamicRenderer.Enabled = true;
/// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used.
/// </summary>
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
if( disposing )
if (components != null)
base.Dispose( disposing );
#region Windows Form Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeComponent()
// Form1
this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(5, 13);
this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(292, 266);
this.Name = "Form1";
this.Text = "Form1";
this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Form1_Load);
/// <summary>
/// The main entry point for the application.
/// </summary>
static void Main()
Application.Run(new Form1());
// Use the oldWidth field to keep track of where the newly-expanded region is.
private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
oldWidth = this.Width;
// Set interest in packets and stylus up
public DataInterestMask DataInterest
return DataInterestMask.Packets |
// Check to see if we are drawing near the right side of the form.
// Remember, this method needs to be "light-weight" in order not to
// slow performance.
public void Packets(RealTimeStylus sender, PacketsData data)
// Find out where we are drawing in pixel space.
Point location = new Point(data[0], data[1]);
Graphics formGraphics = this.CreateGraphics();
theRenderer.InkSpaceToPixel(formGraphics, ref location);
// Check to see if we are 100 pixels from the right edge
if (this.Right - location.X < 100)
// Grow the form and the clip rectangle
this.Width += 100;
location = new Point(this.Right, this.Bottom);
theRenderer.PixelToInkSpace(formGraphics, ref location);
theDynamicRenderer.ClipRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, location.X, location.Y);
// Currently, we need to call Refresh on the DynamicRenderer if we are in the new
// region in order for the ink to show up.
if (location.X >= oldWidth - 100)
// Update the old width each time the stylus comes up
public void StylusUp(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusUpData data)
oldWidth = this.Width;
// The remaining interface methods are not used in this sample application.
public void CustomStylusDataAdded(RealTimeStylus sender, CustomStylusData data){}
public void Error(RealTimeStylus sender, ErrorData data){}
public void InAirPackets(RealTimeStylus sender, InAirPacketsData data){}
public void RealTimeStylusDisabled(RealTimeStylus sender, RealTimeStylusDisabledData data) {}
public void RealTimeStylusEnabled(RealTimeStylus sender, RealTimeStylusEnabledData data){}
public void StylusDown(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusDownData data){}
public void StylusOutOfRange(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusOutOfRangeData data) {}
public void StylusInRange(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusInRangeData data) {}
public void StylusButtonDown(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusButtonDownData data) {}
public void StylusButtonUp(RealTimeStylus sender, StylusButtonUpData data) {}
public void SystemGesture(RealTimeStylus sender, SystemGestureData data){}
public void TabletAdded(RealTimeStylus sender, TabletAddedData data){}
public void TabletRemoved(RealTimeStylus sender, TabletRemovedData data) {}
In questo esempio Microsoft Visual Basic .NET viene espanso orizzontalmente un form se un tratto si avvicina al bordo destro della finestra. Se viene ricevuto un pacchetto posizionato entro 100 pixel dal bordo destro, la finestra si espande di 100 pixel. Si noti la necessità di chiamare DynamicRenderer.Refresh se il pacchetto si trova nell'area appena espansa e la necessità di tenere traccia di tale area tramite il campo oldWidth.
Imports Microsoft.Ink
Imports Microsoft.StylusInput
Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Implements IStylusAsyncPlugin
Private theRealTimeStylus As RealTimeStylus
Private theDynamicRenderer As DynamicRenderer
Private theRenderer As Renderer
Private oldWidth As Integer
#Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "
Public Sub New()
'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
Me.theDynamicRenderer = New DynamicRenderer(Me)
Me.theRenderer = New Renderer()
' Create the real time stylus used to receive stylus notifications
Me.theRealTimeStylus = New RealTimeStylus(Me, True)
' Add the dynamic renderer to the synchronous plugin notification chain.
' Synchronous notifications occur on the pen thread.
' Add the form to the asynchronous plugin notification chain. This plugin
' will be used to collect stylus data into an ink object. Asynchronous
' notifications occur on the UI thread.
' Enable the real time stylus and the dynamic renderer
Me.theRealTimeStylus.Enabled = True
Me.theDynamicRenderer.Enabled = True
End Sub
'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list.
Protected Overloads Overrides Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
If disposing Then
If Not (components Is Nothing) Then
End If
End If
End Sub
'Required by the Windows Form Designer
Private components As System.ComponentModel.IContainer
'NOTE: The following procedure is required by the Windows Form Designer
'It can be modified using the Windows Form Designer.
'Do not modify it using the code editor.
<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent()
components = New System.ComponentModel.Container()
Me.Text = "Form1"
End Sub
#End Region
' Use the oldWidth field to keep track of where the newly-expanded region is.
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Me.oldWidth = Me.Width
End Sub
' Set interest in packets and stylus up
Overridable Overloads ReadOnly Property DataInterest() As DataInterestMask Implements _
Return DataInterestMask.Packets Or DataInterestMask.StylusUp
End Get
End Property
' Check to see if we are drawing near the right side of the form.
' Remember, this method needs to be "light-weight" in order not to
' slow performance.
Public Sub Packets(ByVal sender As Microsoft.StylusInput.RealTimeStylus, _
ByVal data As Microsoft.StylusInput.PluginData.PacketsData) Implements _
' Find out where we are drawing in pixel space.
Dim location As New Point(data(0), data(1))
Dim formGraphics As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics()
Me.theRenderer.InkSpaceToPixel(formGraphics, location)
' Check to see if we are 100 pixels from the right edge
If Me.Right - location.X < 100 Then
' Grow the form and the clip rectangle
Me.Width = Me.Width + 100
location = New Point(Me.Right, Me.Bottom)
Me.theRenderer.PixelToInkSpace(formGraphics, location)
Me.theDynamicRenderer.ClipRectangle = New Rectangle(0, 0, location.X, location.Y)
End If
' Currently, we need to call Refresh on the DynamicRenderer if we are in the new
' region in order for the ink to show up.
If location.X >= oldWidth - 100 Then
End If
End Sub
' Update the old width each time the stylus comes up
Public Sub StylusUp(ByVal sender As Microsoft.StylusInput.RealTimeStylus, _
ByVal data As Microsoft.StylusInput.PluginData.StylusUpData) Implements _
Me.oldWidth = Me.Width
End Sub
' The remaining interface methods are not used in this sample application.
Public Sub CustomStylusDataAdded(ByVal sender As Microsoft.StylusInput.RealTimeStylus, _
ByVal data As Microsoft.StylusInput.PluginData.CustomStylusData) Implements _
End Sub
Public Sub [Error](ByVal sender As Microsoft.StylusInput.RealTimeStylus, _
ByVal data As Microsoft.StylusInput.PluginData.ErrorData) Implements _
End Sub
Public Sub InAirPackets(ByVal sender As Microsoft.StylusInput.RealTimeStylus, _
ByVal data As Microsoft.StylusInput.PluginData.InAirPacketsData) Implements _
End Sub
Public Sub RealTimeStylusDisabled(ByVal sender As Microsoft.StylusInput.RealTimeStylus, _
ByVal data As Microsoft.StylusInput.PluginData.RealTimeStylusDisabledData) Implements _
End Sub
Public Sub RealTimeStylusEnabled(ByVal sender As Microsoft.StylusInput.RealTimeStylus, _
ByVal data As Microsoft.StylusInput.PluginData.RealTimeStylusEnabledData) Implements _
End Sub
Public Sub StylusButtonDown(ByVal sender As Microsoft.StylusInput.RealTimeStylus, _
ByVal data As Microsoft.StylusInput.PluginData.StylusButtonDownData) Implements _
End Sub
Public Sub StylusButtonUp(ByVal sender As Microsoft.StylusInput.RealTimeStylus, _
ByVal data As Microsoft.StylusInput.PluginData.StylusButtonUpData) Implements _
End Sub
Public Sub StylusDown(ByVal sender As Microsoft.StylusInput.RealTimeStylus, _
ByVal data As Microsoft.StylusInput.PluginData.StylusDownData) Implements _
End Sub
Public Sub StylusInRange(ByVal sender As Microsoft.StylusInput.RealTimeStylus, _
ByVal data As Microsoft.StylusInput.PluginData.StylusInRangeData) Implements _
End Sub
Public Sub StylusOutOfRange(ByVal sender As Microsoft.StylusInput.RealTimeStylus, _
ByVal data As Microsoft.StylusInput.PluginData.StylusOutOfRangeData) Implements _
End Sub
Public Sub SystemGesture(ByVal sender As Microsoft.StylusInput.RealTimeStylus, _
ByVal data As Microsoft.StylusInput.PluginData.SystemGestureData) Implements _
End Sub
Public Sub TabletAdded(ByVal sender As Microsoft.StylusInput.RealTimeStylus, _
ByVal data As Microsoft.StylusInput.PluginData.TabletAddedData) Implements _
End Sub
Public Sub TabletRemoved(ByVal sender As Microsoft.StylusInput.RealTimeStylus, _
ByVal data As Microsoft.StylusInput.PluginData.TabletRemovedData) Implements _
End Sub
End Class
Windows Vista, Windows XP SP2, Windows Server 2003
.NET Framework e .NET Compact Framework non supportano tutte le versioni di ciascuna piattaforma. Per un elenco delle versioni supportate, vedere Requisiti di sistema di .NET Framework.
Informazioni sulla versione
.NET Framework
Supportato in: 3.0