Proprietà RecognitionAlternate.Strokes
Aggiornamento: novembre 2007
Ottiene l'insieme Strokes utilizzato dal sistema di riconoscimento per generare l'oggetto RecognitionAlternate.
Spazio dei nomi: Microsoft.Ink
Assembly: Microsoft.Ink (in Microsoft.Ink.dll)
Public ReadOnly Property Strokes As Strokes
Dim instance As RecognitionAlternate
Dim value As Strokes
value = instance.Strokes
public Strokes Strokes { get; }
property Strokes^ Strokes {
Strokes^ get ();
/** @property */
public Strokes get_Strokes()
public function get Strokes () : Strokes
Valore proprietà
Tipo: Microsoft.Ink.Strokes
Insieme Strokes utilizzato dal sistema di riconoscimento per generare l'oggetto RecognitionAlternate.
In questo esempio di C# vengono definiti i gestori eventi per un form, RecognitionResultForm, a cui sono stati aggiunti un controllo ListBox, theListBox, e due controlli Button, theRecognizeButton e theGetDataButton. Nell'esempio vengono inoltre definiti un oggetto InkCollector, theInkCollector, un oggetto RecognizerContext, theRecognizerContext e un oggetto RecognitionResult, theRecognitionResult, utilizzati per raccogliere l'input penna ed eseguire il riconoscimento.
Il gestore eventi per l'evento Click di theRecognizeButton esegue il riconoscimento sui tratti nell'agente di raccolta dell'input penna e inserisce le informazioni relative alla prima alternativa del risultato del riconoscimento in theListBox.
Il gestore eventi per l'evento Click di theGetDataButton ottiene l'insieme di alternative di riga per la prima alternativa. Il gestore disegna quindi la linea ascendente, mediana, di base e discendente per ogni alternativa di riga. Il gestore inserisce inoltre informazioni sul numero di riga e sul livello di probabilità di ogni alternativa di riga in theListBox.
// Declare ink elements and create pens.
Microsoft.Ink.InkCollector theInkCollector;
Microsoft.Ink.RecognizerContext theRecognizerContext;
Microsoft.Ink.RecognitionResult theRecognitionResult;
System.Drawing.Pen thePen1 = new Pen(Color.Red);
System.Drawing.Pen thePen2 = new Pen(Color.Orange);
System.Drawing.Pen thePen3 = new Pen(Color.Yellow);
System.Drawing.Pen thePen4 = new Pen(Color.Green);
// Event handler for the form's Load event.
private void RecognitionResultForm_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Create the ink collector.
this.theInkCollector = new Microsoft.Ink.InkCollector(this.Handle);
this.theInkCollector.Enabled = true;
// Create the default recognizer context.
this.theRecognizerContext = new Microsoft.Ink.RecognizerContext();
// Event handler for the "Recognize" button's Click event.
private void theRecognizeButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Check for ink before performing recognition.
if (0 == this.theInkCollector.Ink.Strokes.Count)
this.theListBox.Items.Add("No ink to recognize.");
// Perform recognition on the strokes currently in the ink collector.
Microsoft.Ink.RecognitionStatus theRecognitionStatus;
this.theRecognizerContext.Strokes = this.theInkCollector.Ink.Strokes;
this.theRecognitionResult =
this.theRecognizerContext.Recognize(out theRecognitionStatus);
// Display information about the recognition result in the list box.
this.theListBox.Items.Add("The top alternate is: " +
this.theListBox.Items.Add("The top confidence is: " +
this.theListBox.Items.Add("The number of strokes is:" +
// Event handler for the "Get Data" button's Click event.
private void theGetDataButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Refresh the list box and check for a recognition result.
if (null == this.theRecognitionResult)
this.theListBox.Items.Add("No recognition result available.");
// Get the line alternates collection for the top alternate.
Microsoft.Ink.RecognitionAlternates theLineAlternates =
using (System.Drawing.Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics())
// Clear the drawing surface
// For each line alternate in the collection:
foreach(Microsoft.Ink.RecognitionAlternate theAlternate
in theLineAlternates)
// Add information about the alternate to the list box.
this.theListBox.Items.Add("The Line Number is: " +
this.theListBox.Items.Add("The alternate's text is: " +
this.theListBox.Items.Add("The number of strokes is: " +
this.theListBox.Items.Add("The Confidence is: " +
// Draw the ascender, midline, baseline, and descender.
DrawLine(g, theAlternate.Ascender, this.thePen1);
DrawLine(g, theAlternate.Midline, this.thePen2);
DrawLine(g, theAlternate.Baseline, this.thePen3);
DrawLine(g, theAlternate.Descender, this.thePen4);
// Redraw the ink.
this.theInkCollector.Renderer.Draw(g, this.theRecognitionResult.Strokes);
// Event handler for the form's Closed event.
private void RecognitionResultForm_Closed(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Free the resources for the ink collector, recognizer context, and pens.
this.theInkCollector = null;
this.theRecognizerContext = null;
this.thePen1 = null;
this.thePen2 = null;
this.thePen3 = null;
this.thePen4 = null;
// Helper function to draw the lines.
private void DrawLine(System.Drawing.Graphics g,
Microsoft.Ink.Line line, System.Drawing.Pen pen)
System.Drawing.Point point1 = line.BeginPoint;
System.Drawing.Point point2 = line.EndPoint;
this.theInkCollector.Renderer.InkSpaceToPixel(g, ref point1);
this.theInkCollector.Renderer.InkSpaceToPixel(g, ref point2);
g.DrawLine(pen, point1, point2);
[Visual Basic]
In questo esempio di Microsoft® Visual Basic® .NET vengono definiti i gestori eventi per un form, RecognitionResultForm, a cui sono stati aggiunti un controllo ListBox, theListBox, e due controlli Button, theRecognizeButton e theGetDataButton. Nell'esempio vengono inoltre definiti un oggetto InkCollector, theInkCollector, un oggetto RecognizerContext, theRecognizerContext e un oggetto RecognitionResult, theRecognitionResult, utilizzati per raccogliere l'input penna ed eseguire il riconoscimento.
Il gestore eventi per l'evento Click di theRecognizeButton esegue il riconoscimento sui tratti nell'agente di raccolta dell'input penna e inserisce le informazioni relative alla prima alternativa del risultato del riconoscimento in theListBox.
Il gestore eventi per l'evento Click di theGetDataButton ottiene l'insieme di alternative di riga per la prima alternativa. Il gestore disegna quindi la linea ascendente, mediana, di base e discendente per ogni alternativa di riga. Il gestore inserisce inoltre informazioni sul numero di riga e sul livello di probabilità di ogni alternativa di riga in theListBox.
Dim theInkCollector As Microsoft.Ink.InkCollector
Dim theRecognizerContext As Microsoft.Ink.RecognizerContext
Dim theRecognitionResult As Microsoft.Ink.RecognitionResult
Dim thePen1 As System.Drawing.Pen = New Pen(Color.Red)
Dim thePen2 As System.Drawing.Pen = New Pen(Color.Orange)
Dim thePen3 As System.Drawing.Pen = New Pen(Color.Yellow)
Dim thePen4 As System.Drawing.Pen = New Pen(Color.Green)
' Event handler for the form's Load event.
Private Sub RecognitionResultForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' Create the ink collector.
Me.theInkCollector = New Microsoft.Ink.InkCollector(Me.Handle)
Me.theInkCollector.Enabled = True
' Create the default recognizer context.
Me.theRecognizerContext = New Microsoft.Ink.RecognizerContext
End Sub
' Event handler for the "Recognize" button's Click event.
Private Sub theRecognizeButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles theRecognizeButton.Click
' Check for ink before performing recognition.
If Me.theInkCollector.Ink.Strokes.Count = 0 Then
Me.theListBox.Items.Add("No ink to recognize.")
End If
' Perform recognition on the strokes currently in the ink collector.
Dim theRecognitionStatus As Microsoft.Ink.RecognitionStatus
Me.theRecognizerContext.Strokes = Me.theInkCollector.Ink.Strokes
Me.theRecognitionResult = _
' Display information about the recognition result in the list box.
Me.theListBox.Items.Add("The top alternate is: " & _
Me.theListBox.Items.Add("The top confidence is: " & _
Me.theListBox.Items.Add("The number of strokes is:" & _
End Sub
' Event handler for the "Get Data" button's Click event.
Private Sub theGetDataButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles theGetDataButton.Click
' Refresh the list box and check for a recognition result.
If (Me.theRecognitionResult Is Nothing) Then
Me.theListBox.Items.Add("No recognition result available.")
End If
' Get the line alternates collection for the top alternate.
Dim theLineAlternates As Microsoft.Ink.RecognitionAlternates = _
' Create a temporary graphics object.
Dim g As System.Drawing.Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics()
' Clear the drawing surface
' For each line alternate in the collection:
For Each theAlternate As Microsoft.Ink.RecognitionAlternate _
In theLineAlternates
' Add information about the alternate to the list box.
Me.theListBox.Items.Add("The Line Number is: " & _
Me.theListBox.Items.Add("The alternate's text is: " & _
Me.theListBox.Items.Add("The number of strokes is: " & _
Me.theListBox.Items.Add("The Confidence is: " & _
' Draw the ascender, midline, baseline, and descender.
DrawLine(g, theAlternate.Ascender, Me.thePen1)
DrawLine(g, theAlternate.Midline, Me.thePen2)
DrawLine(g, theAlternate.Baseline, Me.thePen3)
DrawLine(g, theAlternate.Descender, Me.thePen4)
' Redraw the ink.
Me.theInkCollector.Renderer.Draw(g, Me.theRecognitionResult.Strokes)
' Dispose of the graphics object.
End Sub
' Event handler for the form's Closed event.
Private Sub RecognitionResultForm_Closed(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Closed
' Free the resources for the ink collector and recognizer context.
Me.theInkCollector = Nothing
Me.theRecognizerContext = Nothing
Me.thePen1 = Nothing
Me.thePen2 = Nothing
Me.thePen3 = Nothing
Me.thePen4 = Nothing
End Sub
' Helper function to draw the lines.
Private Sub DrawLine(ByVal g As System.Drawing.Graphics, _
ByVal line As Microsoft.Ink.Line, ByVal pen As System.Drawing.Pen)
Dim point1 As System.Drawing.Point = line.BeginPoint
Dim point2 As System.Drawing.Point = line.EndPoint
Me.theInkCollector.Renderer.InkSpaceToPixel(g, point1)
Me.theInkCollector.Renderer.InkSpaceToPixel(g, point2)
g.DrawLine(pen, point1, point2)
End Sub
Windows Vista
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Informazioni sulla versione
.NET Framework
Supportato in: 3.0