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Expires Members

Represents an Expires timestamp placed in a SOAP message header.

The following tables list the members exposed by the Expires type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
Expires Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the Expires class.


Public Properties

  Name Description
public property AnyAttributes  Gets the collection of XML attributes for the element. (Inherited from OpenAttributeElement)
public property Value  Gets or sets the date/time value. (Inherited from OpenAttributeDateTimeElement)


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
public method Equals  Overloaded. (Inherited from Object )
public method GetHashCode  (Inherited from Object )
public method GetType  (Inherited from Object )
public method GetXml Overridden. Generates an XML representation of the Expires class from the specified XML document.
public method IsExpired Gets a value indicating whether the security token or SOAP message has expired.
public method LoadXml Overridden. Loads an XML element into properties of the current Expires object.
public method static ReferenceEquals  (Inherited from Object )
public method ToString  (Inherited from Object )


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method Finalize  (Inherited from Object )
protected method GetXmlAttributes  (Inherited from OpenAttributeElement )
protected method GetXmlElements  (Inherited from OpenAttributeDateTimeElement )
protected method LoadXmlAttributes  (Inherited from OpenAttributeElement )
protected method LoadXmlElements  (Inherited from OpenAttributeDateTimeElement )
protected method MemberwiseClone  (Inherited from Object )


See Also


Expires Class
Microsoft.Web.Services3.Security.Utility Namespace