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Policy File Schema

The following is the XML schema for policy files supported by the Web Services Enhancements for Microsoft .NET (WSE).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<policies> Element

  <extensions> Element

    <extension> Element


  <policy> Element

    <authorization> Element

      <allow> Element (Policy)

      <deny> Element (Policy)


    <anonymousForCertificateSecurity> Element

      <serviceToken> Element (Policy)

        <x509> Element (Policy)


      <protection> Element

        <request> Element

        <response> Element

        <fault> Element



    <kerberosSecurity> Element

      <token> Element

        <kerberos> Element


      <protection> Element

        <request> Element

        <response> Element

        <fault> Element



    <mutualCertificate10Security> Element

      <clientToken> Element

        <x509> Element (Policy)


      <serviceToken> Element (Policy)

        <x509> Element (Policy)


      <protection> Element

        <request> Element

          <signedHeader> Element

        <response> Element

        <fault> Element


      </ mutualCertificate10Security>

    <mutualCertificate11Security> Element

      <clientToken> Element

        <x509> Element (Policy)


      <serviceToken> Element (Policy)

        <x509> Element (Policy)


      <protection> Element

        <request> Element

        <response> Element

        <fault> Element



    <requireActionHeader> Element

    <requireSoapHeader> Element

    <usernameForCertificateSecurity> Element

      <clientToken> Element

        <username> Element


      <serviceToken> Element (Policy)

        <x509> Element (Policy)


      <protection> Element

        <request> Element

        <response> Element

        <fault> Element



    <usernameOverTransportSecurity> Element

      <clientToken> Element

        <username> Element





See Also


How to: Secure a Web Service Using a Policy File
How to: Secure a Client Using a Policy File