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How To: Enable Token Replay Detection

Applies To

  • Microsoft® Windows® Identity Foundation (WIF)

  • ASP.NET® Web Forms


This How-To provides detailed step-by-step procedures for enabling token replay detection in an ASP.NET application that uses WIF. It also provides instructions for how to test the application to verify that token replay detection is enabled. This How-To does not have detailed instructions for creating a Security Token Service (STS), and instead uses the Development STS that comes with the Identity and Access tool. The Development STS does not perform real authentication and is intended for testing purposes only. You will need to install the Identity and Access tool to complete this How-To. It can be downloaded from the following location: Identity and Access Tool


  • Objectives

  • Overview

  • Summary of Steps

  • Step 1 – Create a Simple ASP.NET Web Forms Application and Enable Replay Detection

  • Step 2 – Test Your Solution


  • Create a simple ASP.NET application that uses WIF and the Development STS from the Identity and Access Tool

  • Enable token replay detection and verify that it is working


A replay attack occurs when a client attempts to authenticate to a relying party with an STS token that the client has already used. To help prevent this attack, WIF contains a replay detection cache of previously used STS tokens. When enabled, replay detection checks the token of the incoming request and verifies whether or not the token has been previously used. If the token has been used already, the request is refused and a SecurityTokenReplayDetectedException exception is thrown.

The following steps demonstrate the configuration changes required to enable replay detection.

Summary of Steps

  • Step 1 – Create a Simple ASP.NET Web Forms Application and Enable Replay Detection

  • Step 2 – Test Your Solution

Step 1 – Create a Simple ASP.NET Web Forms Application and Enable Replay Detection

In this step, you will create a new ASP.NET Web Forms application and modify the Web.config file to enable replay detection.

To create a simple ASP.NET application

  1. Start Visual Studio and click File, New, and then Project.

  2. In the New Project window, click ASP.NET Web Forms Application.

  3. In Name, enter TestApp and press OK.

  4. Right-click the TestApp project under Solution Explorer, then select Identity and Access.

  5. The Identity and Access window appears. Under Providers, select Test your application with the Local Development STS, then click Apply.

  6. Add the following <tokenReplayDetection> element to the Web.config configuration file immediately following the <system.identityModel> and <identityConfiguration> elements, like shown:

            <tokenReplayDetection enabled="true"/>  

Step 2 – Test Your Solution

In this step, you will test your WIF-enabled ASP.NET application to verify that replay detection has been enabled.

To test your WIF-enabled ASP.NET application for replay detection

  1. Run the solution by pressing the F5 key. You should be presented with the default ASP.NET Home Page and automatically authenticated with the username Terry, which is the default user that is returned by the Development STS.

  2. Press the browser’s Back button. You should be presented with a Server Error in ‘/’ Application page with the following description: ID1062: Replay has been detected for: Token: 'System.IdentityModel.Tokens.SamlSecurityToken', followed by an AssertionId and an Issuer.

    You are seeing this error page because an exception of type SecurityTokenReplayDetectedException was thrown when the token replay was detected. This error occurs because you are attempting to re-send the initial POST request when the token was first presented. The Back button will not cause this behavior on subsequent requests to the server.