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How to Edit a Discount

For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.

You can edit the base properties, definition, eligibility requirements, coupons, targeting, interaction policies, and display for a discount.

To edit the base properties

  1. Click Start, point to Microsoft Commerce Server 2007 , and then click Marketing Manager.

  2. In Commerce Server Marketing Manager, in the Views pane, click Campaigns.

  3. In the Tree View pane, click All Discounts.


    If you cannot see the Tree View pane, click Tree View on the toolbar.

  4. In the Search Results pane, select the discount that you want to edit.

  5. In the Tasks pane, click Edit.

  6. In the Discount Properties screen, on the Base Properties tab, do the following:

    Use this

    To do this

    Discount ID

    View the discount ID that uniquely identifies this discount.

    You cannot edit this box.

    Campaign Name

    View the name of the campaign to which this discount belongs.

    You cannot edit this box.

    Discount Name

    Type the name for the discount.

    Start Date

    Type or select the discount start date and time from the drop-down calendar. Date and time are in local time.

    Set the start date and time for the discount in the server time instead of the client time of your computer.

    End Date

    Type or select the discount end date and time from the drop-down calendar. Date and time are in local time.

    Set the end date and time for the discount in the server time instead of the client time of your computer.

    Time Zone

    View the time zone of the client workstation (client time zone).

    This box is for informational purposes only.

    Display Type

    Select the type of display you want from the drop-down list.

    The following display types are available:

    To modify these display types to suit your business needs, contact your site developer.
    • Image. Linked to the designated Web pages where the discount is scheduled to appear. Customers see the image when they visit the Web pages where you display the discount.

    • Text. Composed of text only. Customers see the text when they visit the Web pages where you display the discount.

    • HTML. Composed of HTML code. Customers see the resulting text when they visit the Web pages where you display the discount.

    • Non-Clickable Image. Graphical image that customers see when they visit the Web pages where you schedule the discount to appear. The discount is not linked to a Web page.

    • Buy Now. Enables customers to purchase goods from any Web page on the Internet. When a customer clicks a product image, a dialog box appears prompting the customer for shipping address and credit card information.

    • Windows Media Services. Displays high quality audio and video advertisements.

    • Left Vignette. Composed of text that you display to the left of the image where you display the discount.

    • Right Vignette. Composed of text that you display to the right of the image where you display the discount.

    • Top Vignette. Composed of text that you display on the top of the image where you display the discount.

    • No Display.

    Basket Display

    Type the text for each language in which you display the discount.

    The basket display explains the discount to the user. For example, you may have a basket display such as "Congratulations! You have received the back-to-school discount!".


    Type any comments for this discount.

  7. Click Save on the toolbar.

To edit the definition

  1. In the Discount Properties screen, on the Definition tab, do the following:

    Use this

    To do this


    Select one of the following conditions from the drop-down list. The condition you select must be met for this discount to apply:

    • Any Product. Specifies that if there is a product in the basket to which the discount can be awarded, the discount will apply.

    • Product/Category. Lets you select a product or product category in the shopping basket to qualify for the discount.

      To select an item, click Select to open the Product Picker dialog box.

    • Discount Specific Expression. Lets you create a catalog expression for the selected discount only.

      To select an expression, click Select to open the New Catalog Expression dialog box.

    • Global Expression. Lets you select an existing global expression that this discount will use.

    To select a global expression, click Select to open the ChooseExpressions dialog box.


    Select the type of discount you want from the drop-down list, and then type the minimum amount required for the discount to apply. The following options are available:

    • Quantity. Type the unit value. For example, the user must buy three CDs for the discount to apply.

    • Value. Type the dollar value. For example, the user must spend 40 dollars to receive the award.


    Select the type of award you want the customer to receive. The following options are available:

    • Any Product. Applies the award to any product in the shopping basket.

    • Discount Specific Expression. Applies the award to items in the basket that match this discount-specific expression.

    • Order Subtotal. Applies the discount to the order subtotal that is calculated at the time of checkout.

    • Product/Category. Applies the award to a specific product or category in the shopping basket. You can apply multiple discounts to a single line item or to a single order.

    • Global Expression. Applies the award to items in the basket that match this global expression.

    • Shipping Cost. Applies the award value that you specify, such as the amount or percentage off, to the shipping cost.


    Select the type of award value from the drop-down list, and then type the monetary amount or percentage off for the award. The following award values are available:

    • Amount off. Select this option to apply an amount off value, and then type the amount of the discount award.

    • Percentage off. Select this option to apply a percentage off value, and then type the percent value of the discount award.

    Award Limit

    Type or select from the drop-down list the maximum number of awards the customer can receive if the discount is applied. If the shopping basket contains fewer items than the award limit, only those items in the shopping basket will receive the award.

    Basket Limit

    Type or select a discount limit from the drop-down list for the number of times this discount can be applied to the basket.

    If you want to specify a limit on the number of times this discount can be applied across multiple baskets, contact your site developer.

    Buy items cannot be included as the award

    Select to indicate that a product that was used to calculate eligibility cannot have the discount applied to it.

    For example, you create a "Buy two CDs, get one CD at 20 percent off" discount and select this check box. If the customer puts four CDs in the shopping basket, they will get two CDs at the regular price, and two CDs at 20 percent off, unless the award limit indicates otherwise.

  2. Click Save on the toolbar.

To edit the eligibility requirements

  1. In the Discount Properties screen, on the Eligibility tab, do the following:

    Use this

    To do this

    Global Expression

    Select the global expression that specifies who will qualify for the discount. You use global expressions for any discount.

    Global Expression: Add

    Click to create a new global expression in the New Expression dialog box.

    Global Expression: Remove

    Click to remove the selected global expression or expressions.

    Local Expression

    Select the local expression that specifies who will qualify for the discount.

    You use local expressions for this discount only.

    Local Expression: Add

    Click to create a new global expression in the New Expression dialog box.

    Local Expression: Edit

    Click to edit the select local expression.

    Local Expression: Remove

    Click to remove the selected local expression or expressions.

    After you delete a local expression, you cannot recover the expression.
  2. Click Save on the toolbar.

To edit coupons

  1. In the Discount Properties screen, on the Coupons tab, do the following:

    Use this

    To do this

    Coupon Definition

    Select an existing coupon definition for the discount from the drop-down list.

    The coupon definition specifies the details of the coupon. For example, it specifies how many times the customer can use coupon, and whether the coupon will be public, private, or restricted.

    You can attach the same coupon definition to more than one discount.

    Create New

    Click to create a new coupon definition for the discount.

    Usage Limit

    Type the number of times you want to apply this coupon to the basket.

    For private and restricted coupons, this is the number of times to apply each coupon code to a shopping basket. For example, if the private coupon definition contains 1,000 coupon codes, and the usage limit is five, the discount can be applies a maximum of 5,000 times. You can use each coupon code up to five times.

    Decreasing the usage limit may cause your current reservations to be not valid.


    Select the type of coupon for the discount from the drop-down list. The following types of coupons are available:

    • Public. Coupons that anyone can use. The coupons all use the same public coupon code.

      You cannot export a public coupon definition or add coupons to a public coupon definition.
    • Private. Personalized coupons that you target to specific users. Private coupons have multiple coupon code identifiers.

    • Restricted. Coupons that are restricted to one user.

      You must import the user list for restricted coupons. The associated coupon codes can also be imported, or they can be automatically generated.


    View the coupon batches. A batch of coupons is like a book of coupons that subscribe to the same coupon definition.

    You can import or automatically generate a batch of coupons. For example, you can generate a batch of 100 coupons that you can export to your vendors so that your vendors can distribute the coupons to their customers. Commerce Server generates a GUID for every batch, and it associates a generation date that is the date and time that the GUID was created with the batch.

    To easily reference a batch, you specify a Batch Name. Batch names must be unique in a coupon definition.

    Delete Definition

    Click to delete the selected coupon definition.

    Add Coupons

    Click to start the Add Coupons Wizard.

    You use the Add Coupons Wizard to add coupons to your discount.

    Refresh List

    Click to refresh the coupon batch data in the Batch table.

    Export Coupons

    Click to start the Export Coupons Wizard.

    You use the Export Coupons Wizard to send private coupons to your vendors so that the vendors can distribute the coupons to their customers.

  2. Click Save on the toolbar.

To edit discount targeting

  1. In the Discount Properties screen, on the Targeting tab, do the following:

    Use this

    To do this

    Page Groups

    View the pages on which your discounts will appear on the Web site.

    Page Groups: Add

    Click to open the Page Group dialog box to add a new page group.

    You can use the PageGroups screen from the Reference Tables view to edit page groups.

    Page Groups: Remove

    Click to remove the selected page groups.

    Target Expressions

    You can bundle several target expressions in order to display a discount to a specific group of users.

    You can specify whether certain users are required for the group or excluded from the group. For example, in a target group that consists of animal owners, you can specify that cat owners are included, but dog owners are excluded by applying actions to the target expressions.

    You combine expressions by specifying the action to be taken when each expression evaluates to true. Each action has two multipliers: a multiplier to apply if the expression is true, and a multiplier to apply if the expression is false. When the multiplier is applied, the expression is given a score that affects whether the content is eligible for delivery.


    Select an action from the drop-down list. The following options are available:

    • Target. Use in situations that have a limited population of the property available, but the user wants to buy many requests.

      If the target expression evaluates to true, the score is increased, as is the probability that the content will be shown. If the expression evaluates to false, the score is not changed. In both scenarios, the content is eligible for delivery.

    • Sponsor. The discount associated with the target group will be exclusively displayed on the site.

      If the expression evaluates to true, the content is eligible for delivery and no other content is eligible unless it also has an expression where action is equal to Sponsor. (Sponsor has only one multiplier.)

    • Require. The group of users in the target expression will be included in the target group.

      If the expression evaluates to true, the content is eligible for delivery. If it is false, the content is not eligible for delivery.

    • Exclude. The group of users in the target expression will be excluded from the target group.

      If the expression evaluates to true, the content is not eligible for delivery. If it is false, the content is eligible for delivery.

    Target Expressions: Edit

    Click to open the Expression Builder dialog box to edit a selected local target expression.

    You cannot edit this box if you do not select a local target expression.

    Target Expressions: Remove

    Click to remove the selected target expressions from the discount.

    Target Expressions: Remove All

    Click to remove all target expressions from the discount.

  2. Click Save on the toolbar.

To edit the discount interaction policies

  1. In the Discount Properties screen, on the Interaction tab, do the following:

    Use this

    To do this

    Condition items of this discount can be reused as condition items for other discounts

    Check this box to use an item in the shopping basket to satisfy more than one condition.

    Condition items of this discount can be reused as award items for other discounts

    Check this box to use an item in the shopping basket to qualify for an award and to reuse the item to qualify as an additional award.

    Award items of this discount can be reused as condition items for other discounts

    Check this box to use an item in the shopping basket to which an award was given to also be used as a condition.

    Award items of this discount can be reused as award items for other discounts

    Check this box to enable an award item in the shopping basket to be reused as award items for other discounts.

  2. Click Save on the toolbar.

To edit the display

  1. In the Discount Properties screen, on the Display tab, do the following:


    The items that appear on the Display tab are dependent on the type of discount you select. For example, a discount that contains an image will have a different display than a discount that contains text only.

    Use this

    To do this

    For this display type

    Exposure Limit

    From the drop-down list, select the number of times to show the discount to a user within a session.

    The maximum number of times to show the discount to a user is ten times within one session.

    All display types

    Display Size

    Select the size of the advertisement.

    • Image

    • Text

    • HTML

    • Non-Clickable Image

    • Buy Now

    • Windows Media Services

    • Directional Vignette

    Alternate Text

    Type the alternate text that customers see when graphics are not enabled on their computer.

    • Image

    • Non-Clickable Image

    • Buy Now

    • Directional Vignette

    Click URL

    Type the URL to which the discount links.

    You must type an absolute URL, such as
    • Image

    • Text

    • Buy Now

    • Windows Media Services

    • Directional Vignette

    HTML Text

    Type the text in HTML format that you want to display in the discount.

    • HTML

    Image URL

    Type the location of the discount image.

    You must type an absolute URL, such as
    • Image

    • Non-Clickable Image

    • Buy Now

    • Directional Vignette


    Type the text that you want to display with the discount.

    • Text

    • Directional Vignette

    Window Height

    Type the height of the discount in pixels.

    • Buy Now

    Window Width

    Type the width of the discount in pixels.

    • Buy Now

    Windows Media Services ASF

    Type the Windows Media Services Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) for the discount.

    • Windows Media Services


    Click to preview the discount before you publish it on the Web site.

    • All display types

  2. Click Save and close on the toolbar.

See Also

Other Resources

What is a Discount?

Discount Types in Commerce Server

How to Export Coupons

How to Set the Discount Priority

How to Set Discount Interaction Policies

How to Approve a Discount

How to Disapprove a Discount

How to Restore a Discount

Searching the Business Management Applications

Deleting Information from the Business Management Applications

Refreshing the Business Management Application Cache