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What is an Order?

For the latest version of Commerce Server 2007 Help, see the Microsoft Web site.

When users pay for the products that they purchase from your Web site, Commerce Server creates an order. An order can contain a variety of information. For example, an order can contain line item information, an order sub total, shipping, discount, and tax information, and total order cost. An order can also contain customer information, such as customer name and address, currency used, the date the order was placed or last modified, and extended data about the order.

By using the Customer and Orders Manager, you can view orders that were placed on your Web site. You can delete orders if you have the required permissions. To change your Customer and Orders Manager permissions, see your site developer.

By using Commerce Server, you can exchange orders with other order processing systems. Site developers can use the BizTalk Server adapters that Commerce Server provides to integrate other order processing systems with Commerce Server. For more information about adapters, see "Developing with the BizTalk Adapters " in Commerce Server 2007 Help.

See Also

Other Resources

Managing Orders

Searching the Business Management Applications

Deleting Information from the Business Management Applications

Refreshing the Business Management Application Cache