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Advanced Web Log Import Properties, Query Strings Tab

Use the Advanced Web Log Import Properties dialog box, Query Strings tab, to specify that you want to import Web site query strings, so that the data associated with them can be analyzed.

Use this

To do this

Save query string with URI

Select to save the query string with the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).

Query String

Click to sort the list by query string name.


Click to sort the list by application name.


Click to open the Query Strings dialog box in which you can add a new query string.


Click to delete the specified query string.


Click to open the Query Strings dialog box in which you can modify the specified query string.

If your site uses query strings, you can record the query strings in log files and import them into the Data Warehouse. You can use query strings in your site for searching or running executable files. If you have a list of query strings that your site uses, you can enable reporting on the content associated with those query strings. By default, query strings are stored with the URI in the Data Warehouse.

See Also

Other Resources

How to Configure the Default Web Site Properties for Import

How to Run the Web Server Log Import DTS Task