Evento DataRepeater.AllowUserToDeleteItemsChanged
Si verifica quando la proprietà AllowUserToDeleteItems cambia.
Spazio dei nomi: Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks
Assembly: Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs (in Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Vs.dll)
Public Event AllowUserToDeleteItemsChanged As EventHandler
public event EventHandler AllowUserToDeleteItemsChanged
event EventHandler^ AllowUserToDeleteItemsChanged {
void add (EventHandler^ value);
void remove (EventHandler^ value);
member AllowUserToDeleteItemsChanged : IEvent<EventHandler,
JScript non supporta gli eventi.
When the AllowUserToDeleteItems property is set to True, the user can delete a row by clicking the BindingNavigatorDeleteItem ToolStripButton on the BindingNavigator control, or by pressing DELETE when a DataRepeaterItem has focus.
When the AllowUserToDeleteItems property is set to False, the DELETE keyboard function is disabled, but the BindingNavigatorDeleteItem ToolStripButton is still enabled. If you want to prevent the user from deleting rows, you should also disable or remove the BindingNavigatorDeleteItem ToolStripButton on the BindingNavigator control.
Per ulteriori informazioni su come gestire gli eventi, vedere Gestione e generazione di eventi.
The following code example demonstrates how to disable the BindingNavigatorDeleteItem ToolStripButton button when the AllowUserToAddItems property is set to False. Si presuppone che si disponga di un modulo che contiene un DataRepeater controllo denominato DataRepeater1 e BindingNavigator controllo.
Private Sub DataRepeater1_AllowUserToDeleteItemsChanged(
) Handles DataRepeater1.AllowUserToDeleteItemsChanged
' If this event occurs during form initialization, exit.
If Me.IsHandleCreated = False Then Exit Sub
' If AllowUserToDeleteItems is False.
If DataRepeater1.AllowUserToDeleteItems = False Then
' Disable the Delete button.
BindingNavigatorDeleteItem.Enabled = False
' Otherwise, enable the Delete button.
BindingNavigatorDeleteItem.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub BindingNavigatorDeleteItem_EnabledChanged(
) Handles BindingNavigatorDeleteItem.EnabledChanged
If DataRepeater1.AllowUserToDeleteItems = False Then
' The BindingSource resets this property when a
' new record is selected, so override it.
If BindingNavigatorDeleteItem.Enabled = True Then
BindingNavigatorDeleteItem.Enabled = False
End If
End If
End Sub
private void dataRepeater1_AllowUserToDeleteItemsChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// If this event occurs during form initialization, exit.
if (this.IsHandleCreated == false) { return; }
// If AllowUserToDeleteItems is False.
if (dataRepeater1.AllowUserToDeleteItems == false)
// Disable the Delete button.
bindingNavigatorDeleteItem.Enabled = false;
// Otherwise, enable the Delete button.
bindingNavigatorDeleteItem.Enabled = true;
private void bindingNavigatorDeleteItem_EnabledChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if (dataRepeater1.AllowUserToDeleteItems == false)
// The BindingSource resets this property when a
// new record is selected, so override it.
if (bindingNavigatorDeleteItem.Enabled == true)
bindingNavigatorDeleteItem.Enabled = false;
Sicurezza di .NET Framework
- Attendibilità totale per il chiamante immediato. Impossibile utilizzare questo membro in codice parzialmente attendibile. Per altre informazioni, vedere Utilizzo di librerie da codice parzialmente attendibile.
Vedere anche
Spazio dei nomi Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks
Altre risorse
Introduzione al controllo DataRepeater (Visual Studio)
Procedura: disabilitare l'aggiunta e l'eliminazione di elementi DataRepeater (Visual Studio)