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Properties Tab, CursorAdapter Builder

Displays the name and properties of the CursorAdapter class and specifies whether to use the Data Environment data source and use connection settings only in the builder.

  • Class
    Displays the name of the class the CursorAdapter object is based on. The class can be the base class, the CursorAdapter object, or a class in a class library or program file, in which case, the file name and path are also displayed.

  • Name
    Specifies the name assigned to the CursorAdapter object by the builder. You can change this name.

  • Alias
    Specifies the alias assigned to the CursorAdapter object by the builder. The default name is the same as the one that appears in the Name box. You can change this name.


    Make sure that the alias is unique at run time. The CursorAdapter CursorFill method fails if a table or cursor using the same alias name is already open. For more information, see CursorFill Method.

  • Use DataEnvironment data source
    Specifies whether you want to use the data source of the DataEnvironment object. When the CursorAdapterDataSourceType property is "ADO", you should not select this check box unless the DataEnvironment object contains only one CursorAdapter that uses this data source.

  • Use connection settings in builder only
    Specifies whether you want to use connection settings only in the builder. If you select this option, you need to add code to set up a custom connection environment at run time. Selecting this option makes it possible to have a connection open at design time so that you can select tables, build queries, and so forth.

  • Data source type
    Specifies a data source type. Depending on the data source type selected, you can select or build one of the following data sources:

    • ADO

      Specifies one of the following ways to establish an ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) connection.

      Use existing ADO Recordset    Specify a reference to a valid ADO RecordSet object. This reference must be valid at design time if the CursorAdapter Builder is to use this RecordSet.

      Use DSN **   **Specifies a data source name (DSN) from the Data source list and values in the User ID and Password boxes, if applicable.

      In most cases, selecting a DSN for an ADO connection results in using the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver specified by the DSN through the MSDASQL OLE DB Provider for ODBC. Certain OLE DB providers can map the ODBC DSN settings to the corresponding settings in the corresponding OLE DB provider.


      You should not use a DSN name if the OLE DB provider cannot map ODBC DSN settings. You can use an ODBC driver for a data source that does not have an OLE DB provider.

      Use connection string   Specifies a valid connection string. This is the same type of connection string that you enter for the ADO ConnectionString property.

      Alternatively, you can display the Data Link Properties dialog box by clicking Build. You can then select the appropriate OLE DB Provider and other necessary connection string parameters.

    • Native

      Specifies a valid database name and path in the Database box. You can select a database to use by clicking the ellipsis (...) button to display the Select Database dialog box.

    • ODBC

      Specifies one of the following ways to establish a database connection.

      Use existing connection handle    Specifies a property, memory variable, value, or expression that evaluates to a valid connection handle at run time.

      Use DSN **   **Specifies a data source name (DSN) from the Data source list and values in the User ID and Password boxes, if applicable.

      Use connection string    Specifies a valid connection string. This is the same type of connection string that you enter for the SQLSTRINGCONNECT( ) function. For more information, see SQLSTRINGCONNECT( ) Function.

    • XML

      Specifies XML as the data source.

See Also


Auto-Update Tab, CursorAdapter Builder

CursorAdapter Builder

Data Access Tab, CursorAdapter Builder