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Find Dialog Box Foundation Class

This class provides a generic Find dialog box with simple options such as field choice. This class uses the Find object.


Data Query

Default Catalog

Visual FoxPro Catalog\Foundation Classes\Data Query



Base Class


Class Library


Parent Class





To use, drop the class on a project or, from the Component Gallery Item shortcut menu, select Create Form or Add to Project. When you drop the class on a project, you can choose between adding the class, creating a subclass, or creating a form. When you drop the class on a project or choose Create a new form from the selected class in the shortcut menu, Visual FoxPro displays an Open dialog box so you can specify the name of the form, then creates and opens the form in the Form Designer.

See Guidelines for Using Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes for more information on using foundation classes.

Properties, Events, Methods


cAlias property

Specifies the data source in which to search.

Default: ""

cFindString property

Specifies the string for which to search.

Default: ""

lAdvanced property

Specifies whether to display the advanced options in the dialog box.

Default: .F.


Specifies whether the file is traversed to find successive instances of cFindString.

Default: .F.

lMatchCase property

Specifies the case-sensitivity of the search.

Default: .F.

lSkipMemos property

Specifies whether to eliminate Memo fields from the search.

Default: .F.

lWrapAround property

Specifies whether to continue searching from the beginning if end of file reached.

Default: .F.

DOFind method

Prforms a search.

Syntax: DoFind( )

Return: none

Arguments: none

SkipField method

Removes the field, tcSkipField, from the search.

Syntax: SkipField( )

Return: none

Arguments: SkipField specifies the field to ignore during the search.

See Also


Guidelines for Using Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes


Visual FoxPro Foundation Classes A-Z

Other Resources

Foundation Class Samples