Figure 1 The ROPE Object Model
![]() |
Figure 2 SalesTaxRates.USStateRates
GetStateTaxRates() As String
(ByVal StateAbbrev As String)
As Single
(ByVal StateAbbrev As String,
ByVal TaxableTotal As Currency)
As Currency
Figure 4 SOAP Toolkit Supported Data Types
XML Datatype |
Variant Type |
string |
boolean |
byte |
VT_I1 |
short |
VT_I2 |
integer |
VT_I4 |
unsigned-byte |
VT_UI1 |
unsigned-short |
VT_UI2 |
unsigned-integer |
VT_UI4 |
float |
VT_R4 |
double |
VT_R8 |
Figure 5 USStateRates.xml
<?xml version='1.0' ?>
<serviceDescription name='SalesTaxRates'
<import namespace='USStateRates' location='#USStateRates'/>
<soap xmlns='urn:schemas-xmlsoap-org:soap-sdl-2000-01-25'>
<interface name='USStateRates'>
<requestResponse name='GetStateTaxRates'>
<request ref='USStateRates:GetStateTaxRates'/>
<response ref='USStateRates:GetStateTaxRatesResponse'/>
<requestResponse name='GetTaxRateForState'>
<request ref='USStateRates:GetTaxRateForState'/>
<response ref='USStateRates:GetTaxRateForStateResponse'/>
<requestResponse name='GetStateTaxAmt'>
<request ref='USStateRates:GetStateTaxAmt'/>
<response ref='USStateRates:GetStateTaxAmtResponse'/>
<location url='https://hacek/soaplisten/USStateRates.asp'/>
<implements name='USStateRates'/>
<USStateRates:schema id='USStateRates' targetNamespace='USStateRates'
<element name='GetStateTaxRates'>
<element name='GetStateTaxRatesResponse'>
<element name='return' type='dt:string'/>
<element name='GetTaxRateForState'>
<element name='StateAbbrev' type='dt:string'/>
<element name='GetTaxRateForStateResponse'>
<element name='return' type='dt:single'/>
<element name='GetStateTaxAmt'>
<element name='StateAbbrev' type='dt:string'/>
<element name='TaxableTotal' type='dt:string'/>
<element name='GetStateTaxAmtResponse'>
<element name='return' type='dt:string'/>
Figure 6 USStateRates.asp
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Option Explicit
Response.Expires = 0
Const SOAP_SDLURI = "https://hacek/soaplisten/USStateRates.xml"
<!--#include file="listener.asp"-->
Public Function GetStateTaxRates()
Dim objGetStateTaxRates
Set objGetStateTaxRates = _
GetStateTaxRates = objGetStateTaxRates.GetStateTaxRates()
Set objGetStateTaxRates = NOTHING
End Function
Public Function GetTaxRateForState(ByVal StateAbbrev)
Dim objGetTaxRateForState
Set objGetTaxRateForState = _
GetTaxRateForState = _
Set objGetTaxRateForState = NOTHING
End Function
Public Function GetStateTaxAmt(ByVal StateAbbrev, ByVal TaxableTotal)
Dim objGetStateTaxAmt
Set objGetStateTaxAmt = _
GetStateTaxAmt = objGetStateTaxAmt.GetStateTaxAmt(StateAbbrev, _
Set objGetStateTaxAmt = NOTHING
End Function
Figure 7 index.htm
<TITLE>US State Tax Rates Web Service Sample</TITLE>
<H3>US State Tax Rates Web Service Sample</H3>
<P>Retrieve an ADO 2.5 Recordset containing US state tax rates:</P>
<FORM action="GetStateTaxRates.asp" id=FORM1 method=post name=FORM1>
<INPUT type=submit id=submit1 name=Submit1 value="Get All">
<P>Retrieve the state tax rate for a particular US state:</P>
<FORM action="GetTaxRateForState.asp" id=FORM2 method=post name=FORM2>
<INPUT type=text id=state1 name=state1 value="WA">
<INPUT type=submit id=submit2 name=submit2 value=Submit>
<P>Compute the taxable amount for a particular US state and taxable total:</P>
<FORM action="GetStateTaxAmt.asp" id=FORM3 method=post name=FORM3>
<INPUT type=text id=state2 name=state2 value="WA">
<INPUT type=text id=amount name=amount value="$10.00">
<INPUT type=submit id=submit2 name=submit2 value=Submit>
Figure 8 GetTaxRateForState.asp
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit %>
<!--#include file=""-->
Dim oProxy
Dim hResult
Dim sState
Dim sParam
Const URI_SDL = "https://hacek/SOAPListen/USStateRates.xml"
sState = Request.Form("state1")
Response.Write "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Get Sales Tax Rate for State" _
Set oProxy = Server.CreateObject("ROPE.Proxy")
'-- Load the service description file for the Web service
'-- hResult = oProxy.LoadServicesDescription(icURI, URI_SDL)
If hResult >< False Then
'-- If loaded successfully, call the method (method name is case
'-- sensitive; must match SDL)
sParam = oProxy.GetTaxRateForState(CStr(sState))
Response.Write "Sales tax in " & sState & " is " & sParam & "%"
'-- If not loaded successfully, probably missing file or improperly
'-- written
Response.Write "Failed to load service description."
End If
Set oProxy = Nothing
Response.Write "</BODY></HTML>"
Figure 9 GetStateTaxRates.asp
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit %>
<!--#include file=""-->
Dim oProxy
Dim oStream
Dim hResult
Dim sReturn
Const URI_SDL = "https://hacek/SOAPListen/USStateRates.xml"
Const adClipString = 2
Response.Write "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Get State Sales Tax Rates" _
Set oProxy = Server.CreateObject("ROPE.Proxy")
hResult = oProxy.LoadServicesDescription(icURI, URI_SDL)
If hResult >< False Then
'-- If loaded successfully, call the method (method name is case
'-- sensitive; must match SDL)
sReturn = oProxy.GetStateTaxRates()
If Len(sReturn) > 0 Then
'-- Place the returned string in an ADO Stream object and then open an
'-- ADO Recordset from it
Set oStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
With oStream
.WriteText sReturn
.Position = 0
End With
Set oADORS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oADORS.Open oStream
Set oStream = Nothing
'-- Dump recordset into an HTML table
Response.Write "<TABLE border='1'><TR><TD>"
Response.Write oADORS.GetString(adClipString, oADORS.RecordCount, _
"</TD><TD>", "</TD></TR><TR><TD>", "(null)")
Response.Write "</TD></TR></TABLE>"
Set oADORS = Nothing
Response.Write "Failed to retrieve data."
End If
'-- If not loaded successfully, probably missing file or improperly
'-- written
Response.Write "Failed to load service description."
End If
Set oProxy = Nothing
Response.Write "</BODY></HTML>"
Figure 10 GetStateTaxAmt.asp
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit %>
<!--#include file=""-->
Dim oInfo
Dim oMethod
Dim hResult
Dim sState
Dim sTaxable
Dim sParam
Const URI_SDL = "https://hacek/SOAPListen/USStateRates.xml"
Const METHOD = "GetStateTaxAmt"
sState = Request.Form("state2")
sTaxable = Request.Form("amount")
Response.Write "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Get State Tax Amount" _
Set oSOAP = Server.CreateObject("ROPE.SOAPPackager")
hResult = oSOAP.LoadServicesDescription(icURI, URI_SDL)
If hResult >< False Then
'-- If loaded successfully, call the method (method name is case
'-- sensitive; must match SDL)
Set oInfo = Server.CreateObject("ROPE.ServiceDescriptors")
Set oMethod = Server.CreateObject("ROPE.SDMethodInfo")
Set oInfo = oSOAP.GetServiceDescriptors(icMETHODINFO)
Set oMethod = oInfo.Item(METHOD)
With oSOAP
'-- Construct SOAP request payload
.SetPayloadData icREQUEST, "", CStr(METHOD), oMethod.InputStructure
.SetParameter icREQUEST, "StateAbbrev", CStr(sState)
.SetParameter icREQUEST, "TaxableTotal", CStr(sTaxable)
'-- Send SOAP request message to the Web service
.SendRequestToURI URI_SDL, 30
'-- Obtain SOAP response payload from the Web service response
'-- message
End With
sParam = oSOAP.GetParameter(icRESPONSE, "return")
Response.Write "Sales tax in " & sState & " for " & sTaxable _
& " is $" & sParam
Set oMethod = Nothing
Set oInfo = Nothing
'-- If not loaded successfully, probably missing file or improperly
'-- written
Response.Write "Failed to load service description."
End If
Set oSOAP = Nothing
Response.Write "</BODY></HTML>"
Figure 11 Requesting a State Sales Tax Rate
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