Procedura: elencare tutti i nodi in un albero
A volte risulta utile elencare tutti i nodi di un albero, ad esempio quando si desidera identificare gli effetti esatti di una proprietà o metodo sull'albero. Uno degli approcci disponibili per elencare tutti i nodi in formato testuale consiste nel generare un'espressione XPath che identifica in modo esatto e specifico qualsiasi nodo nell'albero.
Non risulta particolarmente utile eseguire espressioni XPath tramite LINQ to XML. Le espressioni XPath hanno prestazioni inferiori rispetto alle query LINQ to XML e le query LINQ to XML sono molto più potenti. Tuttavia, XPath è efficace per identificare i nodi nell'albero XML.
In questo esempio viene illustrata una funzione denominata GetXPath che genera un'espressione XPath specifica per qualsiasi nodo nell'albero XML. Genera espressioni XPath appropriate anche quando i nodi sono inclusi in uno spazio dei nomi. Le espressioni XPath vengono generate usando prefissi di spazio dei nomi.
Nell'esempio viene quindi creata un piccolo albero XML che contiene un esempio di diversi tipi di nodi. Vengono quindi scorsi i nodi discendenti e viene stampata l'espressione XPath per ogni nodo.
Si noterà che la dichiarazione di XML non è un nodo dell'albero.
Il file XML seguente contiene diversi tipi di nodi:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<?target data?>
<Root AttName="An Attribute" xmlns:aw="">
<!--This is a comment-->
<Child>Other Text</Child>
<aw:ChildInNamespace />
Di seguito è riportato l'elenco dei nodi dell'albero XML precedente, espressi come espressioni XPath:
public static class MyExtensions
private static string GetQName(XElement xe)
string prefix = xe.GetPrefixOfNamespace(xe.Name.Namespace);
if (xe.Name.Namespace == XNamespace.None || prefix == null)
return xe.Name.LocalName.ToString();
return prefix + ":" + xe.Name.LocalName.ToString();
private static string GetQName(XAttribute xa)
string prefix =
if (xa.Name.Namespace == XNamespace.None || prefix == null)
return xa.Name.ToString();
return prefix + ":" + xa.Name.LocalName;
private static string NameWithPredicate(XElement el)
if (el.Parent != null && el.Parent.Elements(el.Name).Count() != 1)
return GetQName(el) + "[" +
(el.ElementsBeforeSelf(el.Name).Count() + 1) + "]";
return GetQName(el);
public static string StrCat<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source,
string separator)
return source.Aggregate(new StringBuilder(),
(sb, i) => sb
s => s.ToString());
public static string GetXPath(this XObject xobj)
if (xobj.Parent == null)
XDocument doc = xobj as XDocument;
if (doc != null)
return ".";
XElement el = xobj as XElement;
if (el != null)
return "/" + NameWithPredicate(el);
// the XPath data model does not include white space text nodes
// that are children of a document, so this method returns null.
XText xt = xobj as XText;
if (xt != null)
return null;
XComment com = xobj as XComment;
if (com != null)
"/" +
.Count() != 1 ?
"comment()[" +
.Count() + 1) +
"]" :
XProcessingInstruction pi = xobj as XProcessingInstruction;
if (pi != null)
"/" +
.Count() != 1 ?
"processing-instruction()[" +
.Count() + 1) +
"]" :
return null;
XElement el = xobj as XElement;
if (el != null)
"/" +
.Select(e => NameWithPredicate(e))
.StrCat("/") +
XAttribute at = xobj as XAttribute;
if (at != null)
"/" +
.Select(e => NameWithPredicate(e))
.StrCat("/") +
"@" + GetQName(at);
XComment com = xobj as XComment;
if (com != null)
"/" +
.Select(e => NameWithPredicate(e))
.StrCat("/") +
.Count() != 1 ?
"comment()[" +
.Count() + 1) + "]" :
XCData cd = xobj as XCData;
if (cd != null)
"/" +
.Select(e => NameWithPredicate(e))
.StrCat("/") +
.Count() != 1 ?
"text()[" +
.Count() + 1) + "]" :
XText tx = xobj as XText;
if (tx != null)
"/" +
.Select(e => NameWithPredicate(e))
.StrCat("/") +
.Count() != 1 ?
"text()[" +
.Count() + 1) + "]" :
XProcessingInstruction pi = xobj as XProcessingInstruction;
if (pi != null)
"/" +
.Select(e => NameWithPredicate(e))
.StrCat("/") +
.Count() != 1 ?
"processing-instruction()[" +
.Count() + 1) + "]" :
return null;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
XNamespace aw = "";
XDocument doc = new XDocument(
new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"),
new XProcessingInstruction("target", "data"),
new XElement("Root",
new XAttribute("AttName", "An Attribute"),
new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "aw", aw.ToString()),
new XComment("This is a comment"),
new XElement("Child",
new XText("Text")
new XElement("Child",
new XText("Other Text")
new XElement("ChildWithMixedContent",
new XText("text"),
new XElement("b", "BoldText"),
new XText("otherText")
new XElement(aw + "ElementInNamespace",
new XElement(aw + "ChildInNamespace")
foreach (XObject obj in doc.DescendantNodes())
XElement el = obj as XElement;
if (el != null)
foreach (XAttribute at in el.Attributes())
Module Module1
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Private Function StrCat(Of T)(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of T), _
ByVal separator As String) As String
Return _
source.Aggregate(New StringBuilder(), _
Function(sb, i) sb _
.Append(i.ToString()) _
.Append(separator), _
Function(s) s.ToString())
End Function
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()> _
Public Function GetXPath(ByVal xobj As XObject) As String
Dim retStr As String
If xobj.Parent Is Nothing Then
Dim doc As XDocument = TryCast(xobj, XDocument)
If doc IsNot Nothing Then
Return "."
End If
Dim el As XElement = TryCast(xobj, XElement)
If el IsNot Nothing Then
Return ("/" & NameWithPredicate(el))
End If
' The XPath data model does not include white space text nodes
' that are children of a document, so this method returns null.
Dim xt As XText = TryCast(xobj, XText)
If xt IsNot Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
Dim com As XComment = TryCast(xobj, XComment)
If com IsNot Nothing Then
If com.Document().Nodes().OfType(Of XComment)().Count() <> 1 Then
Return "/comment()[" & (com.NodesBeforeSelf().OfType _
(Of XComment)().Count() + 1) & "]"
Return "/comment()"
End If
End If
Dim pi As XProcessingInstruction = TryCast(xobj, XProcessingInstruction)
If pi IsNot Nothing Then
If pi.Document.Nodes().OfType(Of XProcessingInstruction)(). _
Count() <> 1 Then
Return "/processing-instruction()[" & _
(pi.NodesBeforeSelf().OfType(Of XProcessingInstruction)() _
.Count() + 1) & "]"
Return "/processing-instruction()"
End If
End If
Dim el As XElement = TryCast(xobj, XElement)
If el IsNot Nothing Then
Return "/" & el.Ancestors().InDocumentOrder(). _
Select(Function(e) NameWithPredicate(e)) _
.StrCat("/") & NameWithPredicate(el)
End If
Dim at As XAttribute = TryCast(xobj, XAttribute)
If at IsNot Nothing Then
Return "/" & at.Parent().AncestorsAndSelf().InDocumentOrder(). _
Select(Function(e) NameWithPredicate(e)).StrCat("/") & _
"@" & GetQName(at)
End If
Dim com As XComment = TryCast(xobj, XComment)
If com IsNot Nothing Then
retStr = "/" & com.Parent.AncestorsAndSelf().InDocumentOrder(). _
Select(Function(e) NameWithPredicate(e)).StrCat("/") & "comment()"
If com.Parent().Nodes().OfType(Of XComment)().Count() <> 1 Then
retStr &= "[" & (com.NodesBeforeSelf().OfType(Of XComment)().Count() + 1) & "]"
End If
Return retStr
End If
Dim cd As XCData = TryCast(xobj, XCData)
If cd IsNot Nothing Then
retStr = "/" & cd.Parent.AncestorsAndSelf().InDocumentOrder(). _
Select(Function(e) NameWithPredicate(e)).StrCat("/") & "text()"
If cd.Parent.Nodes().OfType(Of XText)().Count() <> 1 Then
retStr &= "[" & (cd.NodesBeforeSelf().OfType(Of XText)(). _
Count() + 1) & "]"
End If
Return retStr
End If
Dim tx As XText = TryCast(xobj, XText)
If tx IsNot Nothing Then
retStr = "/" & tx.Parent.AncestorsAndSelf().InDocumentOrder(). _
Select(Function(e) NameWithPredicate(e)).StrCat("/") & "text()"
If tx.Parent.Nodes().OfType(Of XText)().Count() <> 1 Then
retStr &= "[" & (tx.NodesBeforeSelf().OfType(Of XText)(). _
Count() + 1) & "]"
End If
Return retStr
End If
Dim pi As XProcessingInstruction = TryCast(xobj, XProcessingInstruction)
If pi IsNot Nothing Then
retStr = "/" & pi.Parent.AncestorsAndSelf().InDocumentOrder(). _
Select(Function(e) NameWithPredicate(e)). _
StrCat("/") & "processing-instruction()"
If pi.Parent.Nodes().OfType(Of XProcessingInstruction)().Count() <> 1 Then
retStr &= "[" & (pi.NodesBeforeSelf().OfType(Of XProcessingInstruction)(). _
Count() + 1) & "]"
End If
End If
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Private Function GetQName(ByVal xe As XElement) As String
Dim prefix As String = xe.GetPrefixOfNamespace(xe.Name.Namespace)
If xe.Name.Namespace = XNamespace.None Or prefix Is Nothing Then
Return xe.Name.LocalName.ToString()
Return prefix + ":" & xe.Name.LocalName.ToString()
End If
End Function
Private Function GetQName(ByVal xa As XAttribute) As String
Dim prefix As String = _
If xa.Name.Namespace = XNamespace.None Or prefix Is Nothing Then
Return xa.Name.ToString()
Return prefix + ":" & xa.Name.LocalName
End If
End Function
Public Function NameWithPredicate(ByVal el As XElement) As String
If el.Parent IsNot Nothing AndAlso el.Parent.Elements(el.Name).Count() <> 1 Then
Return GetQName(el) + "[" & _
(el.ElementsBeforeSelf(el.Name).Count() + 1) & "]"
Return GetQName(el)
End If
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim aw As XNamespace = ""
Dim doc As XDocument = _
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="utf-8" standalone='yes'?>
<?target data?>
<Root AttName='An Attribute' xmlns:aw=''>
<!--This is a comment-->
<Child>Other Text</Child>
For Each obj As XObject In doc.DescendantNodes()
Dim el As XElement = TryCast(obj, XElement)
If el IsNot Nothing Then
For Each at As XAttribute In el.Attributes()
End If
End Sub
End Module
Questo esempio produce il seguente output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<?target data?>
<Root AttName="An Attribute" xmlns:aw="">
<!--This is a comment-->
<Child>Other Text</Child>
<aw:ChildInNamespace />