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The AddInclusion method adds a DRM technology to the inclusion list.





[in] String containing a GUID that identifies the DRM technology to allow.

Return Values

If the property succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails, it returns a number in the error object.


An inclusion list specifies additional DRM technologies you want to allow for transcription. The inclusion list is defined per license. For more information, see Exporting Windows Media DRM Content to Other Content Protection Systems.

The WMRM SDK Compliance Rules that accompanied your license agreement from Microsoft specify the number of items you can add to one inclusion list.

Example Code

'Add DRM technologies to the inclusion list.
Dim RestrictObj              ' WMRMRestrictions object
Dim varInclusionList         ' Inclusion list
Set RestrictObj = Server.CreateObject("WMRMObjs.WMRMRestrictions")
Call RestrictObj.AddInclusion("{5B888AAC-5761-4201-959E-62B9EA9417CB5}")
Call RestrictObj.AddInclusion("{5B888AAC-5761-4201-959E-62B9EA9417CF6}")
varInclusionList = RestrictObj.GetInclusionList

' Generate the license.
Dim LicenseObj               ' WMRMLicGen object
Set LicenseObj = Server.CreateObject("WMRMObjs.WMRMLicgen")
LicenseObj.KeyID = LicenseKID
LicenseObj.SetKey "", LicenseKey
LicenseObj.Priority = 10
LicenseObj.Rights = RightsString
LicenseObj.ClientInfo = varClientInfo
LicenseObj.BindToPubKey = ContentServerPubKey
LicenseObj.IndividualizedVersion = IndiVersion

' Add the inclusion list to the license.

' Continue generating the license.


Version: Windows Media Rights Manager 10.1 SDK or later

Reference: wmrmobjs 1.0 Type Library

Library: wmrmobjs.dll

Platform: Windows Server 2003

See Also

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